ETCSLtranslation |
Inana and An: c.1.3.5 Having drunk cleansing water from the Ulaya river, Inana stamped on the scorpion and cut off its tail. Like a lion it bellowed in an angry roar but its cries died down. …… she threw it …… and made it secure. |
The rulers of Lagaš: c.2.1.2 Ur-Ninmarki, the scribe and scholar: ……, his personal gods were Ḫaya and Nisaba, he acted for X + 20 years. Ur-Ninĝirsu, the son of Ur-Ninmarki: he acted for X × 60 years. Ur-Bau, the scribe of Ur-Ninĝirsu, who …… in the assembly: he acted for X + 30 years. Gudea, the younger brother of Ur-Bau, ……, who was not the son of his mother nor the son of his father: he acted for …… years. |
The lament for Sumer and Urim: c.2.2.3 There were no paths on either of its banks, long grass grew there. The reed fence of the well-stocked cattle-pen of Nanna was split open. The garden's fence was vioilated and breached. The cows and their young were captured and carried off to enemy territory. The munzer-fed cows took an unfamiliar path in an open country that they did not know. Gayau, who loves cows, dropped his weapon in the dung. Šuni-dug, who stores butter and cheese, did not store butter and cheese. Those who are unfamiliar with butter were churning the butter. Those who are unfamiliar with milk were curdling (?) the milk. The sound of the churning vat did not resound in the cattle-pen. Like mighty coals that once burnt, its smoke is extinguished. The great dining hall of Nanna ……. |
A tigi to Nanaya for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra C): c. Lady of the princely powers, emerging brilliantly like the daylight, chosen forever for her virtuous beauty! Nanaya, ornament of E-ana, worthy of the Lady! Wise one, correctly chosen as lady of all the lands by the Mistress: Nanaya, you instruct the Land, bestowing wisdom in E-ana. |
A tigi to Nanaya for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra C): c. As fine as An, woman with a holy (?) head, made perfect by the …… lady! Nanaya, properly educated by holy Inana, woman who is as bright as the stars, wise lady who is available for everything, righteous sympathetic woman, lady who is always available on request, counselled by holy Inana, beloved by the Mistress! Nanaya, great judge, deity who occupies the high throne of Unug! |
A tigi to Nanaya for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra C): c. Righteous woman who knows well the verdicts of the good decisions of the Land, Nanaya, who is wise in directing the city and the numerous people, exalted woman adept at holy speech, lady fitted for beauty, Nanaya, pride of E-ana, well-spoken one of the Land! |
A tigi to Nanaya for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra C): c. By An, the benevolent eye of the Land, the king of all countries, Nanaya …… the Land …… E-ana …… beauty ……. The youthful good shepherd, the son of Nunamnir, has …… -- Išbi-Erra, who wields great powers, …… Nanaya his prayers unendingly like strong liquor …… of E-ana. |
A tigi to Nanaya for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra C): c. Your Nanaya, who is beloved in the Land by the Mistress, is chosen together with you (?), Išbi-Erra; may you always be eulogised by her. |
A tigi to Nanaya for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra C): c. Great lady, worthy source of inspiration, counselled (?) by the Mistress: luxurious divine powers have been generously given to you by the Mistress. Nanaya, great lady, worthy source of inspiration, counselled (?) by the Mistress! Išbi-Erra, you are the king and shepherd of the people! Nanaya, by the command of An you are the queen of all the countries. In the shrine, in Kulaba, …… he declares it, and the people turn their hearts towards you as you address them. Nanaya, good woman, you are the favourable (?) name of the black-headed! O youth chosen in beauty by the Mistress, son of Enlil, your wise word is brightly made good for the goddess Inana! O Nanaya, the goddess has created your holy powers …… for you. You have …… turned the favourable eye of life onto the bedchamber, and Išbi-Erra is the youth chosen for his beauty. |
A tigi to Nanaya for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra C): c. A tigi of Nanaya. |
A praise poem of Anam (Anam A): c. ……, who batters the wrathful, ……, endowed with good looks, …… who is fearsome; watching ……, richly endowed with charms, you are ……, foremost of the troops. Nanaya, …… the mother of all, …… she who exists for luxury, …… a great destiny ……. ……, the queen, ……, restoring the destroyed E-me-urur and building the …… which were abandoned, has created the …… which had not been built up since ancient days. ……, you fix the rules. |
A praise poem of Anam (Anam A): c. ……, excelling in the Land, you pray justly …… in its fine ……. Standing steadfastly in prayer ……, you determine food offerings. And you, ……, lady, great goddess who goes by one's side, have determined a great destiny until distant times for him who has set up permanent statues in E-ana and E-me-urur, …… for the man whose destiny will not be spoiled, (1 line unclear)The lady, the nurse Nanaya, who stands there like a great wall at the door of E-ana, has decreed throughout heaven and earth that …… and should spend long days in heartfelt joy; and she has fixed life, progeny and luxury as your lot. |
A hymn to Marduk for a king: c.2.8.5.b May the life of my king be pleasant in the eyes of An, father of the gods! May he let you wear your royal …… in the Land! May your …… throne be …… until distant days! ……, may it last forever, and may life be your lot! May Aya …… life, …… your strength! (1 line unclear) May it be your lot to be a god, eating food and { …… peaceful water } { (1 ms. has instead:) drinking water …… } of long life! May a divine command bestow life on you! May you live, and may you have peace! May it last forever and may life be your lot! May a life of contentment be your share! When you lie down to sleep, may your dreams be propitious, and when you rise, may your omens be favourable! Wherever you walk, may you be established in peace! May you live for everlasting days ……! |
A balbale to Inana as Nanaya (Inana H): c.4.07.8 "Let me …… on your …… -- Nanaya, its …… is good. Let me (?) …… on your breast -- Nanaya, its …… flour is sweet. Let me put …… on your navel -- Nanaya, ……. Come with me, my lady, come with me, come with me from the entrance to the shrine. May …… for you. { (ms. c adds 1 line:) Come my beloved sister, let my heart rejoice. }" |
A balbale to Inana as Nanaya (Inana H): c.4.07.8 "You come to me with bread and wine. Come, my beloved sister, let me …… this heart. Nanaya, let me kiss you." |
A balbale to Inana as Nanaya (Inana H): c.4.07.8 A balbale of { Nanaya } { (ms. a has instead:) Inana }. |
A balbale to Inana as Nanaya (Inana H): c.4.07.8 "…… on your navel. My sweet illustrious sister, ……. On your back ……. My illustrious sister, …… hand. In your vagina …… the gardens. Nanaya, ……. In your anus …… the fields. My illustrious sister, …… the acres. Come to me, my sister, ……." (unknown no. of lines missing) |
Nanše and the birds (Nanše C): c.4.14.3 The peacock spends the day keeping watch. The holy bird, the peacock, spends the day calling 'ḫaya'. A bird red from cornelian, blue from lapis lazuli, white (?) from chalcedony (?), with all kinds of gold, and leather inlaid with gold -- may the coppersmith fashion the peacock for you thus. |
An elegy on the death of Nannaya: c.5.5.2 Lu-diĝira out of his inflamed heart wrote a lament: "O father who has died a violent death, O { Nannaya } { (1 ms. has instead:) my Nannaya }, who through the evil planned against him has been carried off to the nether world, your wife's husband is a thing of the past, forever she will be a widow -- wheels (?) about you like a whirlwind, ……. She used to treat you as a foster-child -- now her reason is gone. Stupor has fallen upon her as if she were about to give birth. She turns the ……, moans (?) like a cow. She …… a lament, and sheds tears. She has covered up its …… and has taken (?) what is just (?). (1 line fragmentary)The one who gathers (?) ……. …… touches you, the heart ……." |
An elegy on the death of Nannaya: c.5.5.2 "O my father, may your heart be at rest. O Nannaya, may your spirit be pleased. The en and ensi ……. Those who have escaped the hand of death ……. The hand of death has been …… in their ……. Death is the favour of the gods, the place where fate is decreed ……. May your offspring …… your knee." |
An elegy on the death of Nannaya: c.5.5.2 "May the …… of the Land ……. May he bring you favourable …… words, may they make you content. O Nannaya, may your spirit be pleased, may your heart be at rest." |
The song of the hoe: c.5.5.4 In the sky there is the altirigu bird, the bird of the god. On the earth there is the hoe (al): a dog in the reedbeds, a dragon (ušumgal) in the forest. On the battlefield, there is the dur-allub battle-axe. By the city wall there is the battle-net (alluḫab). On the dining-table there is the bowl (maltum). In the waggon shed, there is the sledge (mayaltum). In the donkey stable there is the cupboard (argibil). The hoe (al)! -- the sound of the word is sweet: it also occurs (munĝal) on the hillsides: the tree of the hillsides is the allanum oak. The fragrance of the hillsides is the arganum balm. The precious stone of the hillsides is the algameš steatite. |
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