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A hymn to Inana for Hammu-rabi (Hammu-rabi F): translation

1-2Lady who perfects the august divine powers, ...... his destiny grandly! O Inana, to whom An has ...... manliness in heaven and earth!

3-10Foremost among the gods, manifest, ...... his destiny! Inana, without whom An and Enlil cannot make a decision in the Land, proud one among the Anuna gods, ...... self-esteem and ......! Inana, good wild cow of the great princes, respected among ladies ......, your greatness shines forth to heaven and earth, your divine powers are ...... powers. When you speak it is the command of An, ...... named by An ....... Your divinity is pre-eminent in the throne-hall (?), your great ways are ....... With An, you give judgment on earth; with Enlil .......

11-12You behave as a lady among living creatures, you ...... the dais; you ...... great ritual ordinances and commands in the abzu shrine.

13-19Without you, no king is ...... as shepherd over the Land. An and Enlil ...... at your command for the king. By your command, heaven and earth ....... An and Enlil ...... the destiny which has been determined for you, Hammu-rabi, king ....... In the four quarters of the world ...... the ordinances; ...... a time of abundance, a year of plenty, ...... life.

20Hammu-rabi .......
unknown no. of lines missing)

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Revision history

25.iii.1999-19.iv.1999 : JAB : adapting translation
10.viii.2000 : GC : proofreading
11.viii.2000 : GC : tagging
22.ix.2000 : ER : proofreading SGML
22.ix.2000 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed