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The home of the fish: bibliography

Print sources used

Civil, M., "The home of the fish: a new Sumerian literary composition", Iraq 23 (1961), 154-175, pl. 66: handcopy, commentary, translation, composite text

Thomsen, Marie-Louise, "'The home of the fish': a new interpretation", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 27 (1975), 197-200: translation, commentary

Vanstiphout, H.L.J., "An essay on 'The home of the fish'", in Quaegebeur, Jan (ed.), Studia Paulo Naster oblata (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 13) Departement Oriëntalistiek, Leuven / Uitgeverij Peeters: Leuven, 1982: II, 311-319: commentary

Electronic sources used

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Cuneiform sources

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