ETCSLcatalogue |
  | Sign name: A2.KAL Values: usu
Complete ETCSL catalogue
This catalogue lists the compositions intended for inclusion in the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. It is based closely on the catalogue devised by Miguel Civil, with his co-operation.
The catalogue is thematically arranged and each composition has a number whose first element reflects the broad category to which it has been assigned. This arrangement reflects modern perceptions and may raise misleading expectations concerning the nature of a composition and its relationship to other compositions and to other genres.
The ancient lists of literary compositions (Group 0) are of considerable interest because of the compositions that are included and the order in which they are listed. Group 1 (narrative and mythological compositions) is organised into subgroups according to who the protagonist of the narrative is. Group 2 (mainly royal praise poetry and hymns to deities on behalf of rulers) is organised first by city and then chronologically according to ruler, as are the attributable letters and letter-prayers in Group 3. Group 4, hymns and cult songs (mostly hymns addressed to deities), is organised alphabetically according to the deity's name. Group 5 is more varied while Group 6 comprises proverbs and proverb collections.
For bibliographic data for the compositions already edited as part of the corpus (the bold numbers in the catalogue) see their transliterations at this website. For the unedited compositions see the catalogue in Analysing Literary Sumerian: Corpus-based Approaches, edited by Jarle Ebeling and Graham Cunningham (2007, London: Equinox). The catalogue numbers of unedited compositions are subject to change.
0 = Ancient literary catalogues
- Ur III
- 0.1.1 Ur III catalogue from Nibru (N1)
- 0.1.2 Ur III catalogue at Yale (Y1)
- Old Babylonian
- 0.2.01 OB catalogue from Nibru (N2)
- 0.2.02 OB catalogue in the Louvre (L)
- 0.2.03 OB catalogue from Urim (U1)
- 0.2.04 OB catalogue from Urim (U2)
- 0.2.05 OB catalogue from Urim (U3)
- 0.2.06 OB catalogue from Nibru (N3)
- 0.2.07 OB catalogue possibly from Zimbir (B1)
- 0.2.08 OB catalogue from Nibru (N4)
- 0.2.11 OB catalogue at Andrews University (B4)
- 0.2.12 OB catalogue at Yale (Y2)
- 0.2.13 OB catalogue from Nibru (N6)
- 0.2.17 OB letter catalogue from Unug (W 17259 an)
- 0.2.18 OB catalogue from Zimbir (Si 331)
1 = Narrative and mythological compositions
- Narratives featuring deities
- Enki
- 1.1.1 Enki and Ninḫursaĝa
- 1.1.2 Enki and Ninmaḫ
- 1.1.3 Enki and the world order
- 1.1.4 Enki's journey to Nibru
- Enlil
- 1.2.1 Enlil and Ninlil
- 1.2.2 Enlil and Sud
- Inana
- 1.3.1 Inana and Enki
- 1.3.2 Inana and Ebiḫ
- 1.3.3 Inana and Šu-kale-tuda
- 1.3.4 Inana and Gudam
- 1.3.5 Inana and An
- Inana and Dumuzid
- 1.4.1 Inana's descent to the nether world
- Dumuzid and Ĝeštin-ana
- Dumuzid and his sisters
- 1.4.3 Dumuzid's dream
- 1.4.4 Inana and Bilulu: an ulila to Inana
- Nanna-Suen
- 1.5.1 Nanna-Suen's journey to Nibru
- Ninurta
- 1.6.1 Ninurta's return to Nibru: a šir-gida to Ninurta
- 1.6.2 Ninurta's exploits: a šir-sud (?) to Ninurta
- 1.6.3 Ninurta and the turtle
- 1.6.4 The fields of Ninurta
- Others
- 1.7.1 The marriage of Martu
- 1.7.2 Ninĝišzida and Ninazimua
- 1.7.3 Ninĝišzida's journey to the nether world
- 1.7.4 The Flood story
- 1.7.5 The creation of mankind
- 1.7.6 How grain came to Sumer
- 1.7.7 The šumunda grass
- 1.7.8 Pabilsaĝ's journey to Nibru
- 1.7.9 Damu and his sister
- 1.7.10 A cosmogonic fragment
- Narratives featuring heroes
- Gilgameš
- Gilgameš and Aga
- Gilgameš and the bull of heaven
- The death of Gilgameš
- Gilgameš, Enkidu and the nether world
- Gilgameš and Ḫuwawa (Version A)
- Gilgameš and Ḫuwawa (Version B)
- 1.8.1.a A Gilgameš fragment
- 1.8.1.b A fragment listing Gilgameš among deities
- Lugalbanda and Enmerkar
- Lugalbanda in the mountain cave
- Lugalbanda and the Anzud bird
- Enmerkar and the lord of Aratta
- Enmerkar and En-suḫgir-ana
- An Enmerkar narrative
- Other
- The legend of Adapa
2 = Compositions with a historical background and royal praise poetry
- Compositions with a historical background
- King lists and other compositions
- 2.1.1 The Sumerian king list
- 2.1.2 The rulers of Lagaš
- 2.1.3 The history of the Tummal
- 2.1.4 Sargon and Ur-Zababa
- 2.1.5 The cursing of Agade
- 2.1.6 The victory of Utu-ḫeĝal
- 2.1.7 The building of Ninĝirsu's temple (Gudea, cylinders A and B)
- City laments
- 2.2.2 The lament for Urim
- 2.2.3 The lament for Sumer and Urim
- 2.2.4 The lament for Nibru
- 2.2.5 The lament for Unug
- 2.2.6 The lament for Eridug
- Royal praise poetry and hymns to deities on behalf of rulers
- Lagaš
- Luma
- 2.3.1 An adab to Bau for Luma (Luma A)
- Gudea
- 2.3.2 A tigi to Bau for Gudea (Gudea A)
- Third Dynasty of Ur
- Ur-Namma
- The death of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma A)
- A tigi to Enlil for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma B)
- A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma C)
- Ur-Namma the canal-digger (Ur-Namma D)
- A šir-namšub (?) to Nanna for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma E)
- A šir-namšub to Nanna for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma F)
- A balbale to Enlil for Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma G)
- A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma H)
- 2.4.1.a A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma I)
- 2.4.1.b A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma J)
- Šulgi
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi A)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi B)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi C)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi D)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi E)
- A hymn to Nanna for Šulgi (Šulgi F)
- An adab to Enlil for Šulgi (Šulgi G)
- An adab for Šulgi (Šulgi H)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi K)
- A tigi (?) for Šulgi (Šulgi L)
- An adab for Šulgi (Šulgi M)
- A lullaby for a son of Šulgi (Šulgi N)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi O)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi P)
- An adab (?) to Utu for Šulgi (Šulgi Q)
- Šulgi and Ninlil's barge: a tigi (?) to Ninlil (Šulgi R)
- A šir-namerima for Šulgi (Šulgi S)
- A tigi to Ninurta for Šulgi (Šulgi T)
- An adab (?) to Nergal for Šulgi (?) (Šulgi U)
- A dedication of a statue (Šulgi V)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi W)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi X)
- A praise poem of Šulgi (Šulgi Y)
- A love song of Šulgi (Šulgi Z)
- 2.4.2.a A song of Šulgi
- 2.4.2.b A praise poem of Šulgi
- 2.4.2.c A tigi to Enki for Šulgi
- 2.4.2.d A Šulgi fragment
- 2.4.2.e A Šulgi fragment
- 2.4.2.f A praise poem of Šulgi
- 2.4.2.g A praise poem of Šulgi
- 2.4.2.h A praise poem of Šulgi
- Amar-Suena
- Amar-Suena and Enki's temple (Amar-Suena A)
- Šu-Suen
- A balbale to Bau for Šu-Suen (Šu-Suen A)
- A balbale to Inana for Šu-Suen (Šu-Suen B)
- A balbale to Inana for Šu-Suen (Šu-Suen C)
- A tigi (?) to Ninurta for Šu-Suen (Šu-Suen D)
- An adab to An for Šu-Suen (Šu-Suen E)
- An adab (?) to Suen for Šu-Suen (Šu-Suen F)
- A love song of Šu-Suen (Šu-Suen H)
- A praise poem of Šu-Suen (Šu-Suen I)
- 2.4.4.a A hymn for Šu-Suen
- Ibbi-Suen
- A tigi to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen A)
- A šir-namgala to Mešlamta-ea and Lugal-era for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen B)
- An adab to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen C)
- An ululumama to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen D)
- A hymn to Suen for Ibbi-Suen (Ibbi-Suen E)
- Isin Dynasty
- Išbi-Erra
- A praise poem of Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra A)
- Išbi-Erra and Kindattu (Išbi-Erra B)
- A tigi to Nanaya for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra C)
- A hymn to Ninisina for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra D)
- A hymn to Nisaba for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra E)
- An adab to Ninšubur for Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra F)
- A praise poem of Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra G)
- A praise poem of Išbi-Erra (Išbi-Erra H)
- 2.5.1.a An Išbi-Erra fragment
- 2.5.1.b An Išbi-Erra fragment
- Šu-ilīšu
- An adab to Nergal for Šu-ilīšu (Šu-ilīšu A)
- An adab (?) to An for Šu-ilīšu (Šu-ilīšu B)
- An adab for Šu-ilīšu (Šu-ilīšu C)
- Iddin-Dagan
- A šir-namursaĝa to Ninsiana for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan A)
- A praise poem of Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan B)
- An adab to Ningublaga for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan C)
- A šir-namerima (?) for Iddin-Dagan (Iddin-Dagan D)
- Išme-Dagan
- A praise poem of Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan A + V)
- An adab to Bau for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan B)
- A hymn to Nibru and Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan C)
- An adab (?) to Enki for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan D)
- A balbale to Enki for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan E)
- An adab (?) to Enlil for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan Fa)
- An adab (?) to Enlil for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan Fb)
- An adab (?) to Ninlil for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan G)
- An adab to Enlil for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan H)
- Išme-Dagan and Enlil's Chariot: a tigi to Enlil (Išme-Dagan I)
- A love song of Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan J)
- A hymn to Inana for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan K)
- An adab to Inana for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan L)
- An adab to Nanna for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan M)
- An adab (?) to Nergal for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan N)
- A tigi (?) to Ninurta for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan O)
- An adab (?) to Ninurta for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan P)
- An adab (?) to Nuska for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan Q)
- A hymn to Damu for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan R)
- A dedication of a statue (Išme-Dagan S)
- A hymn to Nergal for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan T)
- An adab to Dagan (?) for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan U)
- A hymn to Nibru and Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan W)
- A hymn to Enki (?) for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan X)
- A tigi to Inana for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan Y)
- A praise poem of Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan Z)
- A praise poem of Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan AA)
- A praise poem of Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan AB)
- A hymn to Ninurta for Išme-Dagan
- 2.5.4.a A hymn to Inana for Išme-Dagan
- 2.5.4.b A hymn to Enki for Išme-Dagan
- Lipit-Eštar
- A praise poem of Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar A)
- A praise poem of Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar B)
- An adab to An for Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar C)
- An adab to Ninurta for Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar D)
- A šir-namgala to Ninisina for Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar E)
- Lipit-Eštar and the plough (Lipit-Eštar F)
- An adab (?) to Nuska for Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar G)
- An ua-di to Inana for Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar H)
- A praise poem of Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar I)
- A Lipit-Eštar fragment
- A Lipit-Eštar fragment
- Ur-Ninurta
- A šir-namgala (?) to Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta A)
- A tigi to Enki for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta B)
- An adab to Ninurta for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta C)
- An adab to Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta D)
- An adab to An for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta E)
- An adab (?) to Iškur for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta F)
- The instructions of Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta G)
- Būr-Suen
- An adab to Ninurta for Būr-Suen (Būr-Suen A)
- An adab to Enlil for Būr-Suen (Būr-Suen B)
- Enlil-bāni
- A praise poem of Enlil-bāni (Enlil-bāni A)
- 2.5.8.a An Enlil-bāni fragment
- Larsa Dynasty
- Gungunum
- An adab to Nanna for Gungunum (Gungunum A)
- 2.6.2.a A hymn to Nanna for Gungunum (Gungunum B)
- Sîn-iddinam
- A praise poem of Sîn-iddinam (Sîn-iddinam A)
- A praise poem of Sîn-iddinam (Sîn-iddinam B)
- A praise poem of Sîn-iddinam (Sîn-iddinam C)
- A prayer for Sîn-iddinam (Sîn-iddinam D)
- Sîn-iddinam and Iškur (Sîn-iddinam E)
- 2.6.6.a A Sîn-iddinam composition
- Sîn-iqīšam
- A hymn to Numušda for Sîn-iqīšam (Sîn-iqīšam A)
- Warad-Sîn
- 2.6.8.a A Warad-Sîn composition
- Rīm-Sîn
- A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
- A hymn to Ḫaia for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn B)
- A prayer to An for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn C)
- A prayer to Nanna for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn D)
- A prayer to Nanna for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn E)
- A prayer to Nanna for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn F)
- A prayer to Nanna for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn G)
- An adab to Inana for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn H)
- 2.6.9.a An excerpt from a prayer for Rīm-Sîn
- 2.6.9.b A Rīm-Sîn fragment
- 2.6.9.c A Rīm-Sîn fragment
- 2.6.9.d A Rīm-Sîn fragment
- Uruk
- Anam
- A praise poem of Anam (Anam A)
- First Dynasty of Babylon
- Ḫammu-rābi
- A praise poem of Ḫammu-rābi (Ḫammu-rābi A)
- A prayer to Enki for Ḫammu-rābi (Ḫammu-rābi B)
- A praise poem of Ḫammu-rābi (Ḫammu-rābi C)
- A prayer to Asarluḫi for Ḫammu-rābi (Ḫammu-rābi D)
- A prayer for Ḫammu-rābi (Ḫammu-rābi E)
- A prayer to Inana for Ḫammu-rābi (Ḫammu-rābi F)
- 2.8.2.a A Ḫammu-rābi fragment
- 2.8.2.b A praise poem of Ḫammu-rābi
- 2.8.2.c A fragmentary praise poem of Ḫammu-rābi
- Samsu-iluna
- Samsu-iluna and Inana (Samsu-iluna A)
- A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna B)
- A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna C)
- A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna D)
- A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna E)
- A hymn to Enlil for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna F)
- A prayer for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna G)
- A hymn to Enlil for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna H)
- Abī-Ešuḫ
- A hymn to Marduk for Abī-Ešuḫ (Abī-Ešuḫ A)
- 2.8.5.a A praise poem of Abī-Ešuḫ (Abī-Ešuḫ B)
- Praise poetry and hymns for unknown rulers
- Hymns
- 2.8.5.b A hymn to Marduk for a king
- Fragmentary compositions
- 2.99.a A fragment of a royal praise poem
- 2.99.b A fragment of a royal praise poem
- 2.99.c A fragment of a royal praise poem
- 2.99.d An excerpt from a royal praise poem (?)
- 2.99.e A praise poem of an unidentified king
3 = Literary letters, letter-prayers and laws
- Royal correspondence
- Third Dynasty of Ur
- 3.1.01 Letter from Aradĝu to Šulgi about Apillaša
- 3.1.02 Letter from Šulgi to Aradĝu about Apillaša
- 3.1.03 Letter from Aradĝu to Šulgi about irrigation work
- 3.1.04 Letter from Aradĝu to Šulgi about the country
- 3.1.05 Letter from Aradĝu to Šulgi about Aba-indasa's missing troops
- 3.1.06 Letter from Aradĝu to Šulgi about the fortress Igi-ḫursaĝa
- Letter from Šulgi to Aradĝu about Aba-indasa's letter
- 3.1.07 Letter from Puzur-Šulgi to Šulgi about the advance of the enemy
- 3.1.08 Letter from Šulgi to Puzur-Šulgi about the fortress Igi-ḫursaĝa
- 3.1.10 Letter from Šulgi to Puzur-Šulgi about waterways
- 3.1.11 Letter from Aradĝu (?) to Šulgi about bandits and Apillaša
- Letter from Ur-DUN to Šulgi about Apillaša
- 3.1.12 Letter from Amar-Suena (?) to Šulgi
- 3.1.13 Letter from Šulgi to Amar-Suena
- Letter from Šulgi (?) to Aradĝu about troops
- Letter from Šulgi to Išbi-Erra about the purchase of grain
- 3.1.15 Letter from Šarrum-bāni to Šu-Suen about keeping the Martu at bay
- 3.1.16 Letter from Šu-Suen to Šarrum-bāni about digging a trench
- 3.1.17 Letter from Išbi-Erra to Ibbi-Suen about the purchase of grain
- 3.1.18 Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Išbi-Erra about his bad conduct
- 3.1.19 Letter from Puzur-Šulgi to Ibbi-Suen about Išbi-Erra's claim on Isin
- 3.1.20 Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Puzur-Šulgi hoping for Išbi-Erra's downfall
- 3.1.21 Letter from Aba-indasa to Šulgi about his neglect
- Isin, Larsa, and other dynasties
- 3.2.01 Letter from Sîn-illat to Iddin-Dagan about confronting the Martu
- 3.2.02 Letter from Iddin-Dagan to Sîn-illat about the troops
- 3.2.03 Letter from Nanna-ki-aĝ to Lipit-Eštar about Gungunum's troops
- 3.2.04 Letter from Lipit-Eštar to Nanna-ki-aĝ about driving away the enemy
- 3.2.05 Letter from Sîn-iddinam to the god Utu
- Letter from Sîn-iddinam to the god Utu
- Letter from Sîn-iddinam to the god Utu
- 3.2.06 Letter from Sîn-iddinam to the goddess Ninisina
- 3.2.07 Letter from Nin-šagta-pada to Rīm-Sîn
- 3.2.08 Letter from Īter-pîša to a deity (?)
- 3.2.09 Letter from Damiq-ilīšu to the god Nuska (?)
- 3.2.10 Letter from Sîn-muballiṭ to an archivist
- 3.2.11 Letter from a scribe to Zimrī-Lim
- 3.2.a Letter from X to Sūmû-lā-Il
- Other letters and letter-prayers
- 3.3.01 Letter from Ur-saga to a king fearing the loss of his father's household
- 3.3.02 Letter from Lugal-nesaĝe to a king radiant as the moon
- 3.3.03 Letter from Lugal-nesaĝe to a king radiant as the sun
- 3.3.04 Letter from Ur-Enlila to a governor and temple administrator
- 3.3.05 Letter from a governor and temple administrator to a king
- 3.3.06 Letter from Aba-taḫ-lugalĝa to his brothers
- 3.3.07 Letter from Ugubi to his mother
- 3.3.08 Letter from Šamaš-ṭāb to Ilak-ni'id
- 3.3.09 Letter from Lugal-nesaĝe to Enlil-massu
- 3.3.10 Letter from Inanaka to the goddess Nintinuga
- 3.3.11 Letter from Inim-Inana to Enlil-massu
- 3.3.12 Letter from Inim-Inana to Lugal-ibila
- 3.3.13 Letter from an administrator to the generals
- 3.3.14 Letter from Gudea-Enlila to Diĝir-manšum
- 3.3.15 Letter from Iddatum to Sumutara
- 3.3.16 Letter from Saĝ-lugalbi-zu to Nūr-kabta
- 3.3.18 Letter from Nabi-Enlil to Ṣillī-Eštar
- 3.3.19 Letter from Sîn-šamuḫ to the god Enki
- 3.3.20 Letter from Gudea to his personal deity
- 3.3.21 Letter from the scribe Nanna-manšum to the goddess Ninisina
- Letter from the scribe Nanna-manšum to the goddess Ninisina with a prayer for Sîn-iddinam
- 3.3.22 Letter from X to the god Nanna
- 3.3.23 Letter from Igmil-Sîn to Nudimmud-siga
- 3.3.24 Letter from Nanna-manšum of Urim to Rīm-Sîn (?)
- 3.3.25 Letter from X to the god Utu
- 3.3.26 Letter from Etel-pî-Damu to the god Martu
- 3.3.27 Letter from Inim-Enlila to a king
- 3.3.29 Letter from Nabi-Enlil to his colleagues
- 3.3.30 Letter from X to a king (?)
- 3.3.31 Letter from Šarrum-bāni (?) to Lu-Nanna
- 3.3.32 Letter from Nabi-Enlil to a king
- 3.3.33 Letter from Lugal-ibila to Ĝirini-isag
- 3.3.34 Letter from Lu-Ninurta to Inana-andul-duga
- 3.3.35 Letter from Kug-Ninurta to a king
- 3.3.37 Letter from Nūr-kabta to Enlil-bāni
- 3.3.38 Letter from X to the goddess Ninisina
- 3.3.39 Letter from Kug-Nanna to the god Ninšubur
- Royal justice
- 3.4.1 Laws of Ur-Namma
- 3.4.2 Laws of Lipit-Eštar
- 3.4.3 Laws of Ḫammu-rābi
4 = Hymns and cult songs
- Hymns addressed to deities
- Asarluḫi
- 4.01.1 A hymn to Asarluḫi (Asarluḫi A)
- Bau
- 4.02.1 A hymn to Bau's beneficent protective goddess (Bau A)
- 4.02.2 A balbale to Bau (Bau B)
- Damgalnuna
- 4.03.1 A šir-šag-ḫula to Damgalnuna (Damgalnuna A)
- Enlil
- 4.05.1 Enlil in the E-kur (Enlil A)
- Ḫendursaĝa
- 4.06.1 A hymn to Ḫendursaĝa (Ḫendursaĝa A)
- Inana
- 4.07.1 A balbale to Inana (Inana A)
- 4.07.2 The exaltation of Inana (Inana B)
- 4.07.3 A hymn to Inana (Inana C)
- 4.07.4 A hymn to Inana as Ninegala (Inana D)
- 4.07.5 A tigi to Inana (Inana E)
- 4.07.6 A balbale (?) to Inana (Inana F)
- 4.07.7 A šir-namšub to Inana (Inana G)
- 4.07.8 A balbale to Inana as Nanaya (Inana H)
- 4.07.9 A šir-namšub to Inana (Inana I)
- 4.07.a A hymn to Inana
- 4.07.b An Inana fragment
- Inana and Dumuzid
- 4.08.01 A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana A)
- 4.08.02 A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana B)
- 4.08.03 A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana C)
- 4.08.04 A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana D)
- 4.08.05 The song of the lettuce: a balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana E)
- 4.08.06 A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana F)
- 4.08.07 A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana G)
- 4.08.08 A tigi to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana H)
- 4.08.09 A kunĝar to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana I)
- 4.08.10 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana J)
- 4.08.11 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana K)
- 4.08.12 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana L)
- 4.08.13 A šir-namšub to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana M)
- 4.08.14 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana N)
- 4.08.15 A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana O)
- 4.08.16 A balbale (?) to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana P)
- 4.08.17 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana Q)
- 4.08.18 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana R)
- 4.08.19 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana S)
- 4.08.20 A kunĝar to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana T)
- 4.08.21 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana U)
- 4.08.22 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana V)
- 4.08.23 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana W)
- 4.08.24 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana X)
- 4.08.25 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana Y)
- 4.08.26 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana Z)
- 4.08.27 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana A1)
- 4.08.28 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana B1)
- 4.08.29 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana C1)
- 4.08.30 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana D1)
- 4.08.31 A balbale to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana E1)
- 4.08.32 A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana F1)
- 4.08.33 Dumuzid and Enkimdu
- 4.08.a A balbale to Inana and Dumuzid
- 4.08.b A šir-namšub to Inana and Dumuzid
- Iškur
- 4.09.1 An adab to Iškur (Iškur A)
- Lisin
- 4.10.1 A lament of Lisin (Lisin A)
- Lulal
- 4.11.1 A šir-gida to Lulal (Lulal A)
- Martu
- 4.12.1 A šir-gida to Martu (Martu A)
- 4.12.2 A hymn to Martu (Martu B)
- Nanna-Suen
- 4.13.01 A balbale to Suen (Nanna A)
- 4.13.02 A balbale to Nanna (Nanna B)
- 4.13.03 A balbale to Nanna (Nanna C)
- 4.13.04 A balbale to Nanna (Nanna D)
- 4.13.05 A hymn to Nanna (Nanna E)
- 4.13.06 The herds of Nanna (Nanna F)
- 4.13.07 A hymn to Nanna (Nanna G)
- 4.13.08 An adab to Nanna (Nanna H)
- 4.13.09 A tigi to Suen (Nanna I)
- 4.13.10 An ululumama to Nanna (Nanna J)
- 4.13.11 A šir-namšub to Suen (Nanna K)
- 4.13.12 A šir-namgala to Nanna (Nanna L)
- 4.13.13 A hymn to Nanna (Nanna M)
- 4.13.14 A hymn to Nanna (Nanna N)
- 4.13.15 A hymn to Nanna (Nanna O)
- 4.13.16 A hymn to Nanna (Nanna P)
- 4.13.a A hymn to Nanna
- 4.13.b A fragment of a hymn to Nanna
- 4.13.c An excerpt from a hymn to Nanna
- 4.13.d A fragment of a hymn to Nanna
- 4.13.e A hymn to Nanna (?)
- Nanše
- 4.14.1 A hymn to Nanše (Nanše A)
- 4.14.2 A balbale to Nanše (Nanše B)
- A hymn to Nanše
- 4.14.3 Nanše and the birds (Nanše C)
- Nergal
- 4.15.1 A hymn to Nergal (Nergal A)
- 4.15.2 A hymn to Nergal (Nergal B)
- 4.15.3 A tigi to Nergal (Nergal C)
- 4.15.5 An adab to Nergal (Nergal E)
- Ninazu
- 4.17.1 A balbale to Ninazu (Ninazu A)
- Ninĝirsu
- 4.18.1 A hymn to Ninĝirsu (Ninĝirsu A)
- Ninĝišzida
- 4.19.1 A balbale to Ninĝišzida (Ninĝišzida A)
- 4.19.2 A balbale to Ninĝišzida (Ninĝišzida B)
- 4.19.3 A hymn to Ninĝišzida (Ninĝišzida C)
- 4.19.4 A balbale (?) to Ninĝišzida (Ninĝišzida D)
- 4.19.5 A hymn to Ninĝišzida (Ninĝišzida E)
- Ningublaga
- 4.20.1 An ululumama to Ningublaga (Ningublaga A)
- 4.20.2 A hymn to Ningublaga (Ningublaga B)
- 4.20.3 A hymn to Ningublaga (Ningublaga C)
- Ninimma
- 4.21.1 A hymn to Ninimma (Ninimma A)
- 4.21.2 A lament of Ninimma (Ninimma B)
- Ninisina
- 4.22.1 A šir-gida to Ninisina (Ninisina A)
- 4.22.2 A šir-namšub to Ninisina (Ninisina B)
- 4.22.3 Ninisina's journey to Nibru: a šir-namšub to Ninisina (Ninisina C)
- 4.22.4 A hymn to Ninisina (Ninisina D)
- 4.22.5 An adab to Ninisina (Ninisina E)
- 4.22.6 Ninisina and the gods (Ninisina F)
- Ninkasi
- 4.23.1 A hymn to Ninkasi (Ninkasi A)
- Ninlil
- 4.24.1 An adab to Ninlil (Ninlil A)
- Ninšubur
- 4.25.1 A šir-gida (?) to Ninšubur (Ninšubur A)
- 4.25.2 A hymn to Ninšubur (Ninšubur B)
- 4.25.3 A hymn to Ninšubur (Ninšubur C)
- 4.25.4 A hymn to Ninšubur (Ninšubur D)
- 4.25.5 An excerpt from a hymn to Ninšubur
- Nintur
- 4.26.1 A tigi to Nintur (Nintur A)
- Ninurta
- 4.27.01 A šir-gida to Ninurta (Ninurta A)
- 4.27.02 Ninurta's journey to Eridug: a šir-gida to Ninurta (Ninurta B)
- 4.27.03 A hymn to Ninurta (Ninurta C)
- 4.27.04 A tigi to Ninurta (Ninurta D)
- 4.27.05 A tigi to Ninurta (Ninurta E)
- 4.27.06 A balbale to Ninurta (Ninurta F)
- 4.27.07 A šir-namšub to Ninurta (Ninurta G)
- 4.27.08 An adab (?) to Ninurta (Ninurta H)
- 4.27.10 A šir-gida to Ninurta (Ninurta J)
- 4.27.11 A šir-gida (?) to Ninurta (Ninurta K)
- 4.27.12 A hymn to Ninurta (Ninurta L)
- 4.27.13 An adab (?) to Ninurta (Ninurta M)
- 4.27.a A hymn to Ninurta
- Nisaba
- 4.16.1 A hymn to Nisaba (Nisaba A)
- 4.16.2 A šir-namšub to Nisaba (Nisaba B)
- 4.16.3 A hymn to Nisaba (Nisaba C)
- Nungal
- 4.28.1 A hymn to Nungal (Nungal A)
- Nuska
- 4.29.1 A šir-gida to Nuska (Nuska A)
- 4.29.2 A šir-gida to Nuska (Nuska B)
- Šara
- 4.30.1 A balbale to Šara (Šara A)
- 4.30.2 A hymn to Šara (Šara B)
- Šul-pa-e
- 4.31.1 A hymn to Šul-pa-e (Šul-pa-e A)
- Utu
- 4.32.1 An adab to Utu (Utu A)
- 4.32.2 A hymn to Utu (Utu B)
- 4.32.3 A hymn to Utu (Utu C)
- 4.32.4 A hymn to Utu (Utu D)
- 4.32.e A šir-namšub to Utu (Utu E)
- 4.32.f A šir-namšub to Utu (Utu F)
- Other deities
- 4.33.1 A hymn to Sadarnuna (Sadarnuna A)
- 4.33.2 A hymn to Kusu (Kusu A)
- 4.33.3 A hymn to a deity
- Hymns addressed to or concerning temples
- 4.80.1 The temple hymns
- 4.80.2 The Keš temple hymn
- 4.80.4 A hymn to the E-kur
- 4.80.6 The shrines of Inana
5 = Other literature
- School stories
- 5.1.1 Schooldays (E-dub-ba-a A)
- 5.1.2 A scribe and his perverse son (E-dub-ba-a B)
- 5.1.3 The advice of a supervisor to a younger scribe (E-dub-ba-a C)
- 5.1.4 Scribal activities (E-dub-ba-a D)
- 5.1.5 Instructions of a scholar (E-dub-ba-a E)
- 5.1.6 School regulations (E-dub-ba-a R)
- 5.1.a Bilingual teaching
- Debate poems
- 5.3.1 The debate between Hoe and Plough
- 5.3.2 The debate between Grain and Sheep
- 5.3.3 The debate between Winter and Summer
- 5.3.4 The debate between Tree and Reed
- 5.3.5 The debate between Bird and Fish
- 5.3.6 The debate between Copper and Silver
- 5.3.7 The debate between Date Palm and Tamarisk
- Dialogues and diatribes
- 5.4.01 A dialogue between two unnamed scribes
- 5.4.02 A dialogue between Enki-ḫeĝal and Enkita-lu
- 5.4.03 A dialogue between Enki-manšum and Ĝirini-isag
- 5.4.04 A dialogue between two women (A)
- 5.4.05 A dialogue between two women (B)
- 5.4.10 A diatribe
- 5.4.11 A diatribe against Engar-dug
- 5.4.12 He is a good seed of a dog
- 5.4.13 Diatribes against women
- Personal laments
- Reflective compositions
- 5.2.5 The poem of early rulers
- 5.2.6 Nothing is precious (formerly 6.3.a)
- Lu-diĝira compositions
- 5.5.1 The message of Lu-diĝira to his mother
- 5.5.2 An elegy on the death of Nannaya
- 5.5.3 An elegy on the death of Nawirtum
- Types of song
- 5.5.4 The song of the hoe
- 5.5.5 The song of the ploughing oxen: an ululumama to Ninurta
- 5.5.6 The song of the millstone
- 5.5.a A drinking song
- Didactic compositions
- 5.6.1 The instructions of Šuruppag
- 5.6.2 Counsels of wisdom
- 5.6.3 The farmer's instructions
- Short tales
- 5.6.5 The three ox-drivers from Adab
- 5.6.6 The old man and the young girl (formerly 5.6.7)
- 5.6.7 The slave and the scoundrel (formerly 6.3.d)
- 5.6.8 The lazy slave girl (formerly 6.3.c)
- 5.6.9 The fowler and his wife (formerly 6.3.b)
- 5.7.1 Enlil and Nam-zid-tara
- Offering compositions
- 5.7.2 A dog for Nintinuga
- 5.7.3 An axe for Nergal
- Other
- 5.7.a Public announcement of the loss of a seal
- Riddles
- 5.8 Riddles (formerly 6.5)
- Lexical compositions
- 5.9.1 The home of the fish
- Animal fables
- 5.9.2 The heron and the turtle
- 5.9.3 The goose and the raven (formerly 5.6.a)
- 5.9.4 The fox and Enlil as merchant
- 5.9.5 A fox and a dog
6 = Proverbs and proverb collections
- Proverb collections
- 6.1.01 Proverbs: collection 1
- 6.1.02 Proverbs: collection 2 + 6
- 6.1.03 Proverbs: collection 3
- 6.1.04 Proverbs: collection 4
- 6.1.05 Proverbs: collection 5
- 6.1.07 Proverbs: collection 7
- 6.1.08 Proverbs: collection 8
- 6.1.09 Proverbs: collection 9
- 6.1.10 Proverbs: collection 10
- 6.1.11 Proverbs: collection 11
- 6.1.12 Proverbs: collection 12
- 6.1.13 Proverbs: collection 13
- 6.1.14 Proverbs: collection 14
- 6.1.15 Proverbs: collection 15
- 6.1.16 Proverbs: collection 16
- 6.1.17 Proverbs: collection 17
- 6.1.18 Proverbs: collection 18
- 6.1.19 Proverbs: collection 19
- 6.1.21 Proverbs: collection 21
- 6.1.22 Proverbs: collection 22
- 6.1.23 Proverbs: collection 23
- 6.1.24 Proverbs: collection 24
- 6.1.25 Proverbs: collection 25
- 6.1.26 Proverbs: collection 26
- 6.1.27 Proverbs: collection 27
- 6.1.28 Proverbs: collection 28
- Other proverbs
- 6.2.1 Proverbs: from Nibru
- 6.2.2 Proverbs: from Susa
- 6.2.3 Proverbs: from Urim
- 6.2.4 Proverbs: from Unug
- 6.2.5 Proverbs: of unknown provenance
Sumerian literary compositions have been edited and translated in modern studies under a range of sometimes confusing titles. The ancient practice was to refer to them by their incipits (first lines), but this is clearly less useful for a modern readership, especially when working in translation. For the purposes of this project each composition has been assigned a standardised title. Unavoidably this does not always match the title by which a composition has been most commonly known hitherto. In many cases an ancient genre description (e.g. adab, tigi) has been retained in the standardised title.
For practical reasons, certain categories of composition have not been included in this phase of development of the ETCSL. These are, principally, the various genres of cult songs and prayers in Emesal which were the preserve of the gala singers, and the extensive literature of magical incantations.
© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The ETCSL project, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford Updated 2006-10-23 by GC |