ETCSLglossingSignSignSign name: NAM.LUGAL
Values: pala

Letter from Aradĝu (?) to Šulgi about bandits and Apillaša (c.3.1.11), line c3111.1
personwaterto saywatercourseto placewatercourseX(...)to digto clean
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Different colours indicate alternative renderings of the same span of text, including additions which may not be translated.Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.1
Correspondence: t3111.p1
Complete Line: <l n="1" id="c3111.1" corresp="t3111.p1"> <damage/> <w form="lu2-e" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person"><unclear cert="qry">lu2</unclear><damageEnd/>-e</w> <w form="a" lemma="a" pos="N" label="water">a</w> <w form="dug4-ga" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">dug4-ga</w> <w form="id2-da" lemma="id2" pos="N" label="watercourse"><unclear cert="cor">id2</unclear>-da</w> <w form="mi-ni-jar-jar" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">mi-ni-jar-jar</w> <addSpan to="c3111.v1" type="primary"/> <w form="id2" lemma="id2" pos="N" label="watercourse">id2</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <supplied/> <w form="&X;br" lemma="&X;br" label="&X;br">(&X;)</w> <suppliedEnd/> <anchor id="c3111.v1"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v2" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n1" lang="eng" target="c3111.v1">1 ms. has instead:</note> <w form="i3-dun" lemma="dun" pos="V" label="to dig">i3-dun</w> <w form="i3-luh-luh" lemma="luh" pos="V" label="to clean">i3-luh-<damage/>luh</w> <damageEnd/> <anchor id="c3111.v2"/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.2
Correspondence: t3111.p1
Complete Line: <l n="2" id="c3111.2" corresp="t3111.p1"> <w form="lu2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2</w> <w form="la-ga" lemma="la-ga" pos="N" label="criminal">la-ga</w> <w form="lu2-sa-gaz-e" lemma="lu2-sa-gaz" pos="N" label="brigand">lu2-sa-gaz-e</w> <w form="edin" lemma="edin" pos="N" label="open country">edin</w> <w form="sig9-si-ig-ga-bi" lemma="sig9" pos="V" label="to put">sig9-si-ig-ga-bi</w> <w form="&jic;nij2-gul-bi" lemma="nij2-gul" pos="N" label="maul">&jic;nij2-gul-bi</w> <w form="bi2-ak" lemma="ak" pos="V" label="to do">bi2-ak</w></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.3
Correspondence: t3111.p1
Complete Line: <l n="3" id="c3111.3" corresp="t3111.p1"> <w form="nitah-be2-e-ne" lemma="nitah" pos="N" label="male">nitah-be2-e-ne</w> <w form="munus-be2-e-ne" lemma="munus" pos="N" label="woman">munus-be2-e-<damage/>ne</w> <damageEnd/> <addSpan to="c3111.v3" type="additional"/> <note id="c3111.n2" lang="eng" target="c3111.v3">1 ms. adds:</note> <damage/> <w form="har-ra-an" lemma="har-ra-an" pos="N" label="route"><unclear cert="qry">har</unclear>-<unclear cert="qry">ra</unclear>-an</w> <damageEnd/> <supplied/> <w form="&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <anchor id="c3111.v3"/> <w form="nitah-bi" lemma="nitah" pos="N" label="male">nitah-bi</w> <w form="ki" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki</w> <w form="cag4-ga-na-ce3" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-ga-na-ce3</w> <w form="i3-du-u3" lemma="jen" pos="V" label="to go"><unclear cert="qry">i3</unclear>-du-<damage/><unclear cert="qry">u3</unclear></w> <damageEnd/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.4
Correspondence: t3111.p1
Complete Line: <l n="4" id="c3111.4" corresp="t3111.p1"> <addSpan to="c3111.v4" type="primary"/> <w form="munus-bi" lemma="munus" pos="N" label="woman">munus-bi</w> <anchor id="c3111.v4"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v5" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n3" lang="eng" target="c3111.v4">1 ms. has instead:</note> <damage/> <w form="munus-e" lemma="munus" pos="N" label="woman">munus<damageEnd/>-e</w> <anchor id="c3111.v5"/> <w form="&jic;bal" lemma="bal" pos="N" label="spindle">&jic;bal</w> <w form="&jic;kirid-da" lemma="kirid" pos="N" label="hair clasp">&jic;kirid-da</w> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="ba-e-si-ig" lemma="sig9" pos="V" label="to put">ba-e-si-ig</w> <w form="har-ra-an" lemma="har-ra-an" pos="N" label="route">har-ra-an</w> <w form="cag4-ga-na" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-ga-na</w> <addSpan to="c3111.v6" type="primary"/> <w form="i3-DU" lemma="DU" pos="V" label="DU">i3-DU</w> <anchor id="c3111.v6"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v7" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n4" lang="eng" target="c3111.v6">1 ms. has instead:</note> <w form="tab-be2-X" lemma="tab" pos="V" label="to be parallel">tab-be2-X</w> <anchor id="c3111.v7"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v8" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n5" lang="eng" target="c3111.v6">1 other ms. has instead:</note> <w form="du-u3-de3" lemma="jen" pos="V" label="to go">du-u3-de3</w> <anchor id="c3111.v8"/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.5
Correspondence: t3111.p1
Complete Line: <l n="5" id="c3111.5" corresp="t3111.p1"> <w form="edin" lemma="edin" pos="N" label="open country">edin</w> <w form="nij2-dajal-la-ba" lemma="nij2-dajal" pos="N" label="vastness">nij2-dajal-la-ba</w> <w form="ja2-rig7" lemma="ja2-rig7" pos="N" label="animal pen">ja2-rig7</w> <addSpan to="c3111.v9" type="primary"/> <w form="mu-ni-in-jar" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">mu-ni-in-jar</w> <anchor id="c3111.v9"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v10" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n6" lang="eng" target="c3111.v9">1 ms. has insead:</note> <w form="mu-ni-si-ig" lemma="sig9" pos="V" label="to put">mu-ni-si-ig</w> <anchor id="c3111.v10"/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.6
Correspondence: t3111.p1
Complete Line: <l n="6" id="c3111.6" corresp="t3111.p1"> <addSpan to="c3111.v11" type="primary"/> <w form="za-lam-jar" lemma="za-lam-jar" pos="N" label="tent">za-lam-jar</w> <w form="mac-gana2-bi" lemma="mac-gana2" pos="N" label="settlement">mac-gana2-bi</w> <w form="ki" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki</w> <w form="um-mi-jar-jar" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">um-mi-jar-jar</w> <anchor id="c3111.v11"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v12" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n7" lang="eng" target="c3111.v11">1 ms. has instead:</note> <damage/> <w form="za-lam-jar" lemma="za-lam-jar" pos="N" label="tent">za<damageEnd/>-lam-jar</w> <w form="mac-gana2-bi-ta" lemma="mac-gana2" pos="N" label="settlement">mac-gana2-bi-ta</w> <w form="u2-sal" lemma="u2-sal" pos="N" label="meadow">u2-sal</w> <w form="mu-un-nu2-nu2" lemma="nu2" pos="V" label="to lie down">mu-un-nu2-nu2</w> <anchor id="c3111.v12"/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.7
Correspondence: t3111.p1
Complete Line: <l n="7" id="c3111.7" corresp="t3111.p1"> <w form="lu2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2</w> <w form="kij2" lemma="kij2" pos="N" label="work">kij2</w> <w form="ak-bi" lemma="ak" pos="V" label="to do">ak-bi</w> <w form="lu2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2</w> <w form="gud-apin" lemma="gud-apin" pos="N" label="plough ox">gud-apin</w> <w form="la2" lemma="la2" pos="V" label="to hang">la2</w> <w form="a-cag4-ga" lemma="a-cag4" pos="N" label="field">a-cag4-ga</w> <w form="ud" lemma="ud" pos="N" label="day(light)">ud</w> <w form="mu-un-di-ni-ib-zal-e" lemma="zal" pos="V" label="to pass">mu-un-di-ni-ib-zal-e</w></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.8
Correspondence: t3111.p2
Complete Line: <l n="8" id="c3111.8" corresp="t3111.p2"> <w form="a2" lemma="a2" pos="N" label="arm">a2</w> <w form="aj2-ja2" lemma="aj2" pos="V" label="to measure">aj2-ja2</w> <w form="&d;cul-gi" lemma="cul-gi" pos="N" type="RN" label="&C;ulgi">&d;cul-gi</w> <w form="lugal-ja2-ke4" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-ja2-ke4</w> <w form="gu2-ju10" lemma="gu2" pos="N" label="neck">gu2-ju10</w> <w form="nu-mu-da-cub" lemma="cub" pos="V" label="to fall">nu-mu-da-cub</w></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.9
Correspondence: t3111.p2
Complete Line: <l n="9" id="c3111.9" corresp="t3111.p2"> <w form="gu2" lemma="gu2" pos="N" label="neck">gu2</w> <w form="bi2-X" lemma="X" label="X">bi2-X</w> <w form="ji6-ba" lemma="ji6" pos="N" label="night">ji6-ba</w> <w form="an-bar7-ba" lemma="an-bar7" pos="N" label="midday">an-bar7-ba</w> <w form="a2-bi" lemma="a2" pos="N" label="arm">a2-bi</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="i3-jen-ne-en" lemma="jen" pos="V" label="to go">i3-jen-ne-en</w></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.10
Correspondence: t3111.p2
Complete Line: <l n="10" id="c3111.10" corresp="t3111.p2"> <w form="&m;a-pi-il-la-ca" lemma="a-pi-il-la-ca" pos="N" type="PN" label="Apilla&c;a">&m;a-pi-il-la-ca</w> <w form="ud" lemma="ud" pos="N" label="day(light)">ud</w> <w form="tur-ra-ni-ta" lemma="tur" pos="V" label="to be small">tur-ra-ni-ta</w> <addSpan to="c3111.v13" type="primary"/> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="UC-ba" lemma="UC" label="U&C;">UC-ba</w> <w form="mu-e-X" lemma="X" pos="V" label="X">mu-e-X</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <supplied/> <w form="&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/> <anchor id="c3111.v13"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v14" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n8" lang="eng" target="c3111.v13">1 ms. has instead:</note> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="X-ba" lemma="X" label="X">X-ba</w> <w form="nu-e" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">nu-e</w> <anchor id="c3111.v14"/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.11
Correspondence: t3111.p2
Complete Line: <l n="11" id="c3111.11" corresp="t3111.p2"> <w form="lu2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2</w> <w form="al-me-a-gin7" lemma="me" pos="V" label="to be">al-me-a-gin7</w> <w form="cag4-ju10" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-ju10</w> <w form="i3-zu" lemma="zu" pos="V" label="to know">i3-zu</w> <w form="igi-zu" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye">igi-zu</w> <addSpan to="c3111.v15" type="primary"/> <w form="um-mi-zu" lemma="zu" pos="V" label="to know">um-mi-zu</w> <anchor id="c3111.v15"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v16" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n9" lang="eng" target="c3111.v15">1 ms. has instead:</note> <w form="im-mi-du8" lemma="du8" pos="V" label="to spread">im-mi-du8</w> <anchor id="c3111.v16"/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.12
Correspondence: t3111.p2
Complete Line: <l n="12" id="c3111.12" corresp="t3111.p2"> <w form="lugal-ju10" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-ju10</w> <w form="igi" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye">igi</w> <w form="bar-ra" lemma="bar" pos="V" label="to set aside">bar-ra</w> <w form="dijir-ra" lemma="dijir" pos="N" label="deity">dijir-ra</w> <addSpan to="c3111.v17" type="primary"/> <w form="lu2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2</w> <w form="hul-la-ce3" lemma="hul" pos="V" label="to be bad">hul-la-<unclear cert="qry">ce3</unclear></w> <w form="i-ni-TU-X" lemma="TU" label="TU">i-ni-TU-X</w> <anchor id="c3111.v17"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v18" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n10" lang="eng" target="c3111.v17">1 ms. has instead:</note> <w form="lu2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2</w> <w form="hul" lemma="hul" pos="V" label="to be bad">hul</w> <w form="bi2-i-ni-in-zu" lemma="zu" pos="V" label="to know">bi2-i-<unclear cert="cor">ni</unclear>-in-zu</w> <anchor id="c3111.v18"/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.13
Correspondence: t3111.p2
Complete Line: <l n="13" id="c3111.13" corresp="t3111.p2"> <w form="lu2-jarza2" lemma="lu2-jarza2" pos="N" label="type of official">lu2-jarza2</w> <w form="gal" lemma="gal" pos="V" label="to be big">gal</w> <w form="kur-kur-ra-ke4" lemma="kur" pos="N" label="(mountain) land">kur-kur-ra-ke4</w> <w form="ugu-bi" lemma="ugu" pos="N" label="skull">ugu-bi</w> <w form="um-mi-dirig" lemma="dirig" pos="V" label="to be superior">um-mi-dirig</w></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.14
Correspondence: t3111.p2
Complete Line: <l n="14" id="c3111.14" corresp="t3111.p2"> <w form="lugal-ju10" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-ju10</w> <w form="nij2" lemma="nij2" pos="N" label="thing">nij2</w> <w form="gal-gal" lemma="gal" pos="V" label="to be big">gal-gal</w> <w form="ba-e-dirig" lemma="dirig" pos="V" label="to be superior">ba-e-dirig</w> <w form="gaba-ri" lemma="gaba-ri" pos="N" label="equal">gaba-ri</w> <w form="MU" lemma="MU" label="MU">MU</w> <w form="X-ni-in-&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">X-ni-in-<supplied/>&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.15
Correspondence: t3111.p3
Complete Line: <l n="15" id="c3111.15" corresp="t3111.p3"> <addSpan to="c3111.v19" type="primary"/> <w form="dug4-ga" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">dug4-ga</w> <w form="ab-gi4" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">ab-gi4</w> <w form="BI" lemma="BI" label="BI">BI</w> <anchor id="c3111.v19"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v20" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n11" lang="eng" target="c3111.v19">1 ms. has instead:</note> <w form="dug4-ga-dug4-ga" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">dug4-ga-dug4-ga</w> <w form="ab-dug4" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">ab-dug4</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <supplied/> <w form="&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/> <anchor id="c3111.v20"/> <w form="inim-zu" lemma="inim" pos="N" label="word">inim-zu</w> <w form="inim" lemma="inim" pos="N" label="word">inim</w> <w form="dugud-da" lemma="dugud" pos="V" label="to be heavy">dugud-da</w> <w form="nij2-zu" lemma="nij2" pos="N" label="thing">nij2-zu</w> <w form="nij2" lemma="nij2" pos="N" label="thing">nij2</w> <w form="gal-la-am3" lemma="gal" pos="V" label="to be big">gal-la-am3</w></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.16
Correspondence: t3111.p3
Complete Line: <l n="16" id="c3111.16" corresp="t3111.p3"> <w form="inim" lemma="inim" pos="N" label="word">inim</w> <w form="sag9-ga-ni" lemma="sag9" pos="V" label="to be good">sag9-ga-ni</w> <w form="cag4-za" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-za</w> <w form="i3-jal2" lemma="jal2" pos="V" label="to be (located)">i3-jal2</w> <w form="ud" lemma="ud" pos="N" label="day(light)">ud</w> <w form="us2-sa" lemma="us2" pos="V" label="to be adjacent">us2-sa</w> <w form="i3-X" lemma="X" label="X">i3-X</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.17
Correspondence: t3111.p3
Complete Line: <l n="17" id="c3111.17" corresp="t3111.p3"> <w form="lu2-u18-lu-am3" lemma="lu2-ulu3" pos="N" label="person">lu2-u18-lu-am3</w> <w form="igi-zu" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye">igi-zu</w> <addSpan to="c3111.v21" type="primary"/> <w form="an-X" lemma="X" label="X">an-X</w> <anchor id="c3111.v21"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v22" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n12" lang="eng" target="c3111.v21">1 ms. has instead:</note> <w form="i3-in-DU" lemma="DU" pos="V" label="DU">i3-in-<damage/>DU</w> <damageEnd/> <anchor id="c3111.v22"/> <addSpan to="c3111.v23" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3111.n13" lang="eng" target="c3111.v21">1 other ms. has instead:</note> <w form="he2-i" lemma="i" pos="V" label="to bring out">he2-i</w> <anchor id="c3111.v23"/></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.18
Correspondence: t3111.p3
Complete Line: <l n="18" id="c3111.18" corresp="t3111.p3"> <w form="cag4-ju10" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-ju10</w> <w form="cag4" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4</w> <w form="zu2" lemma="zu2" pos="N" label="tooth">zu2</w> <w form="kece2" lemma="kece2" pos="V" label="to bind">kece2</w> <w form="a-gin7" lemma="a-gin7" pos="AV" label="type of manner adverbial">a-gin7</w> <w form="he2-en-ja2-ja2" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">he2-en-ja2-ja2</w></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.19
Correspondence: t3111.p3
Complete Line: <l n="19" id="c3111.19" corresp="t3111.p3"> <w form="ma-da" lemma="ma-da" pos="N" label="land">ma-da</w> <w form="suhuc" lemma="suhuc" pos="N" label="foundation">suhuc</w> <w form="bi2-ge-en" lemma="gen6" pos="V" label="to be firm">bi2-ge-en</w> <w form="gu3" lemma="gu3" pos="N" label="voice">gu3</w> <w form="tec2-a" lemma="tec2" pos="N" label="unity">tec2-a</w> <w form="bi2-sig10-ge5" lemma="sig10" pos="V" label="to place">bi2-sig10-ge5</w></l>

Text No: c.3.1.11
Text Name: Letter from Arad&g;u (?) to &C;ulgi about bandits and Apilla&c;a
Line Ref: c3111.20
Correspondence: t3111.p3
Complete Line: <l n="20" id="c3111.20" corresp="t3111.p3"> <w form="lugal-ju10" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-ju10</w> <w form="lugal" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal</w> <w form="nu-mu-e-da-sa2" lemma="sa2" pos="V" label="to equal">nu-mu-e-da-sa2</w> <w form="cag4-zu" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-zu</w> <w form="he2-eb-dug3-ge" lemma="dug3" pos="V" label="to be good">he2-eb-dug3-ge</w></l>

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_fetch_array() in /var/www/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/ get_all_lines() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/ on line 358