Sign name:
Values: kindagal
Letter from Lugal-nesaĝe to Enlil-massu (c.3.3.09), line c3309.12
to eat
tears (of joy)
to put
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Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.1
Correspondence: t3309.p1
Complete Line: <l n="1" id="c3309.1" corresp="t3309.p1"> <w form="&d;en-lil2-mas-su" lemma="en-lil2-mas-su" pos="N" type="PN" label="Enlil-masssu">&d;en-lil2-mas-su</w> <w form="dimma" lemma="dim2-ma" pos="N" label="reasoning">dimma</w> <w form="ad" lemma="ad" pos="N" label="voice">ad</w> <w form="gi4" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">gi4</w> <addSpan to="c3309.v1" type="primary"/> <w form="sag9" lemma="sag9" pos="V" label="to be good">sag9</w> <anchor id="c3309.v1"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v2" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n1" lang="eng" target="c3309.v1">1 ms. has instead:</note> <w form="za" lemma="za" pos="V" label="to make noise">za</w> <anchor id="c3309.v2"/> <w form="ka" lemma="ka" pos="N" label="mouth">ka</w> <w form="lal3" lemma="lal3" pos="N" label="syrup">lal3</w> <w form="inim" lemma="inim" pos="N" label="word">inim</w> <w form="gun3-gun3-ra" lemma="gun3" pos="V" label="to be multicoloured">gun3-gun3-ra</w> <w form="u3-na-a-dug4" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">u3-na-a-dug4</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.2
Correspondence: t3309.p1
Complete Line: <l n="2" id="c3309.2" corresp="t3309.p1"> <w form="dumu" lemma="dumu" pos="N" label="child">dumu</w> <w form="dijir-ra-ni-ir" lemma="dijir" pos="N" label="deity">dijir-ra-ni-ir</w> <w form="gub-ba" lemma="gub" pos="V" label="to stand">gub-ba</w> <w form="a-a" lemma="a-a" pos="N" label="father">a-a</w> <w form="ama-ni" lemma="ama" pos="N" label="mother">ama-ni</w> <w form="ni2" lemma="ni2" pos="N" label="fear(someness)">ni2</w> <w form="tej3-je26-e-ra" lemma="te" pos="V" label="to approach">tej3-je26-e-ra</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.3
Correspondence: t3309.p1
Complete Line: <l n="3" id="c3309.3" corresp="t3309.p1"> <w form="u3-na-de3-tah" lemma="tah" pos="V" label="to add">u3-na-de3-tah</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.4
Correspondence: t3309.p1
Complete Line: <l n="4" id="c3309.4" corresp="t3309.p1"> <w form="&d;alad" lemma="alad" pos="N" label="guardian deity"><gloss lang="sux" target="c3309.t1">a-<unclear cert="cor">la</unclear>-ad</gloss><term id="c3309.t1">&d;alad</term></w> <w form="&d;lamma" lemma="lamma" pos="N" label="guardian deity">&d;lamma</w> <w form="dijir" lemma="dijir" pos="N" label="deity">dijir</w> <term id="c3309.t2"> <w form="kal-la-ju10" lemma="kal" pos="V" label="to be rare">kal-la-ju10</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c3309.t2"> <unclear cert="cor">ca</unclear> i-di </gloss> <w form="ulutim2" lemma="ulutim2" pos="N" label="form">ulutim2</w> <w form="alan" lemma="alan" pos="N" label="statue">alan</w> <w form="zil2-zil2-i" lemma="zil2" pos="V" label="to be pleasing">zil2-zil2-i</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.5
Correspondence: t3309.p1
Complete Line: <l n="5" id="c3309.5" corresp="t3309.p1"> <w form="me-te" lemma="me-te" pos="N" label="(fitting) attribute">me-te</w> <w form="nam-dub-sar-ra" lemma="nam-dub-sar" pos="N" label="scribe's craft">nam-dub-sar-ra</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.6
Correspondence: t3309.p1
Complete Line: <l n="6" id="c3309.6" corresp="t3309.p1"> <addSpan to="c3309.v3" type="primary"/> <w form="ur-saj" lemma="ur-saj" pos="N" label="hero">ur-saj</w> <w form="cag4-tam-e-ne" lemma="cag4-tam" pos="N" label="type of administrator">cag4-tam-e-ne</w> <w form="he2-du7" lemma="he2-du7" pos="N" label="(fitting) ornament">he2-du7</w> <w form="e2-gal-la" lemma="e2-gal" pos="N" label="palace">e2-gal-la</w> <w form="a2" lemma="a2" pos="N" label="arm">a2</w> <w form="aj2" lemma="aj2" pos="V" label="to measure">aj2</w> <w form="ki-bi" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki-bi</w> <anchor id="c3309.v3"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v4" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n2" lang="eng" target="c3309.v3">1 Urim ms. has instead:</note> <w form="ur-saj" lemma="ur-saj" pos="N" label="hero">ur-saj</w> <w form="cag4-tam-e-ne" lemma="cag4-tam" pos="N" label="type of administrator">cag4-tam-e-ne</w> <w form="a2" lemma="a2" pos="N" label="arm">a2</w> <w form="aj2-ja2" lemma="aj2" pos="V" label="to measure">aj2-ja2</w> <w form="ki-bi-ce3" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki-bi-ce3</w> <anchor id="c3309.v4"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v5" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n3" lang="eng" target="c3309.v3">another ms. has instead:</note> <w form="he2-du7" lemma="he2-du7" pos="N" label="(fitting) ornament">he2-du7</w> <damage/> <w form="e2-gal-la" lemma="e2-gal" pos="N" label="palace">e2-gal<damageEnd/>-la</w> <w form="ur-saj" lemma="ur-saj" pos="N" label="hero"><unclear cert="cor">ur</unclear>-saj</w> <w form="cag4-tam-ne" lemma="cag4-tam" pos="N" label="type of administrator">cag4-tam-ne</w> <w form="a2" lemma="a2" pos="N" label="arm">a2</w> <w form="aj2-ja2" lemma="aj2" pos="V" label="to measure">aj2-ja2</w> <w form="ki-bi" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki-bi</w> <anchor id="c3309.v5"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v6" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n4" lang="eng" target="c3309.v3">another ms. has instead:</note> <supplied/> <w form="he2-du7" lemma="he2-du7" pos="N" label="(fitting) ornament">he2-du7</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="e2-gal-la" lemma="e2-gal" pos="N" label="palace">e2-gal-la</w> <supplied/> <w form="ur-saj" lemma="ur-saj" pos="N" label="hero">ur-saj</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="cag4-tam-e-ne" lemma="cag4-tam" pos="N" label="type of administrator">cag4-tam-e-ne</w> <supplied/> <w form="a2" lemma="a2" pos="N" label="arm">a2</w> <w form="aj2-ja2" lemma="aj2" pos="V" label="to measure">aj2-ja2</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="ki-ba-e" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki-ba-e</w> <anchor id="c3309.v6"/> <w form="gi4" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">gi4</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.7
Correspondence: t3309.p1
Complete Line: <l n="7" id="c3309.7" corresp="t3309.p1"> <w form="cag4" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4</w> <w form="lugal-la-na" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-la-na</w> <w form="dug3-dug3-ge-ra" lemma="dug3" pos="V" label="to be good">dug3-dug3-ge-ra</w> <addSpan to="c3309.v7" type="primary"/> <w form="u3-na-de3-pec" lemma="pec" pos="V" label="to triple">u3-na-de3-pec</w> <anchor id="c3309.v7"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v8" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n5" lang="eng" target="c3309.v7">1 ms. has instead:</note> <w form="u3-na-de3-tah" lemma="tah" pos="V" label="to add">u3-na-de3-tah</w> <anchor id="c3309.v8"/></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.8
Correspondence: t3309.p1
Complete Line: <l n="8" id="c3309.8" corresp="t3309.p1"> <w form="&m;lugal-nesaj-e" lemma="lugal-nesaj-e" pos="N" type="PN" label="Lugal-nesa&g;e">&m;lugal-nesaj-e</w> <w form="nu-ec3" lemma="nu-ec3" pos="N" label="type of priest">nu-ec3</w> <w form="&d;en-lil2-la2" lemma="en-lil2" pos="N" type="DN" label="Enlil">&d;en-lil2-la2</w> <w form="lu2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2</w> <phr type="VP" lemma="zu2 li9" label="to laugh"> <w form="zu2" lemma="zu2" pos="N" label="tooth">zu2</w> <w form="li9" lemma="li9" pos="V" label="verb part of multiword verb">li9</w> </phr> <w form="lugal-la" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-la</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.9
Correspondence: t3309.p1
Complete Line: <l n="9" id="c3309.9" corresp="t3309.p1"> <w form="dumu" lemma="dumu" pos="N" label="child">dumu</w> <addSpan to="c3309.v9" type="primary"/> <w form="&d;en-lil2-al-sag9" lemma="en-lil2-al-sag9" pos="N" type="PN" label="Enlil-alsag">&d;en-lil2-al-sag9</w> <anchor id="c3309.v9"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v10" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n6" lang="eng" target="c3309.v9">1 Urim ms. has instead:</note> <w form="zu-zu" lemma="zu-zu" pos="N" type="PN" label="Zuzu">zu-zu</w> <anchor id="c3309.v10"/> <w form="um-mi-a" lemma="um-mi-a" pos="N" label="scholar">um-mi-a</w> <w form="nibru&ki;-a" lemma="nibru" pos="N" type="SN" label="Nibru">nibru&ki;-a</w> <w form="ad-da-zu" lemma="ad-da" pos="N" label="father">ad-da-zu</w> <w form="na-ab-be2-a" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">na-ab-be2-a</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.10
Correspondence: t3309.p2
Complete Line: <l n="10" id="c3309.10" corresp="t3309.p2"> <w form="ud" lemma="ud" pos="N" label="day(light)">ud</w> <addSpan to="c3309.v11" type="primary"/> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="uru16-na-zu" lemma="uru16" pos="V" label="to be towering">uru16-na-zu</w> <anchor id="c3309.v11"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v12" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n7" lang="eng" target="c3309.v11">1 Urim ms. has instead:</note> <w form="DA" lemma="DA" label="DA"><unclear cert="qry">DA</unclear></w> <w form="NA-ju10" lemma="NA" label="NA">NA-ju10</w> <anchor id="c3309.v12"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v13" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n8" lang="eng" target="c3309.v11">the other Urim ms. has instead:</note> <w form="NI" lemma="NI" label="NI">NI</w> <w form="KID2" lemma="KID2" label="KID&s2;">KID2</w> <w form="NA-ju10" lemma="NA" label="NA">NA-ju10</w> <anchor id="c3309.v13"/> <w form="ba-hu-hu-bu-uc-en" lemma="hu-bu-uc" pos="V" label="to crush">ba-hu-hu-bu-uc-en</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.11
Correspondence: t3309.p2
Complete Line: <l n="11" id="c3309.11" corresp="t3309.p2"> <w form="cag4-ju10" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-ju10</w> <term id="c3309.t3"> <w form="mu-da-cub" lemma="cub" pos="V" label="to fall">mu-da-cub</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c3309.t3"> im-ta-qu2-ut </gloss> <addSpan to="c3309.v14" type="primary"/> <w form="enmen2" lemma="enmen2" pos="N" label="thirst">enmen2</w> <w form="cajar-ju10" lemma="cag4-jar" pos="N" label="hunger">cajar-ju10</w> <anchor id="c3309.v14"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v15" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n9" lang="eng" target="c3309.v14">1 Urim ms. has instead:</note> <w form="cajar" lemma="cag4-jar" pos="N" label="hunger">cajar</w> <w form="enmen2-ju10" lemma="enmen2" pos="N" label="thirst">enmen2-ju10</w> <anchor id="c3309.v15"/> <w form="ba-tur" lemma="tur" pos="V" label="to be small">ba-tur</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.12
Correspondence: t3309.p2
Complete Line: <l n="12" id="c3309.12" corresp="t3309.p2"> <w form="nam-zu" lemma="nam" pos="N" label="destiny">nam-zu</w> <w form="ib2-gu7-en" lemma="gu7" pos="V" label="to eat">ib2-gu7-en</w> <term id="c3309.t4"> <w form="i-si-ic-zu" lemma="i-si-ic" pos="N" label="tears (of joy)">i-si-ic-zu</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c3309.t4"> ta-az-me-tu-ka </gloss> <w form="ib2-sig9-ge-en" lemma="sig9" pos="V" label="to put">ib2-sig9-ge-en</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.13
Correspondence: t3309.p2
Complete Line: <l n="13" id="c3309.13" corresp="t3309.p2"> <term id="c3309.t5"> <w form="mah-zu" lemma="mah" pos="V" label="to be majestic">mah-zu</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c3309.t5"> JIC-KU-ka </gloss> <w form="ib2-sur-re-en" lemma="sur" pos="V" label="to drip">ib2-sur-re-en</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.14
Correspondence: t3309.p2
Complete Line: <l n="14" id="c3309.14" corresp="t3309.p2"> <addSpan to="c3309.v16" type="primary"/> <w form="bar" lemma="bar" pos="N" label="outside">bar</w> <w form="saj5-zu" lemma="saj5" pos="V" label="to choose">saj5-zu</w> <anchor id="c3309.v16"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v17" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n10" lang="eng" target="c3309.v16">1 Urim ms. has instead:</note> <term id="c3309.t6"> <supplied/> <w form="bar" lemma="bar" pos="N" label="outside">bar</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="saj5" lemma="saj5" pos="V" label="to choose">saj5</w> <w form="TA" lemma="TA" label="TA">TA</w> <w form="LA-zu" lemma="LA" label="LA">LA-zu</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c3309.t6"> &t;u-pu-ul-ka </gloss> <anchor id="c3309.v17"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v18" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n11" lang="eng" target="c3309.v16">the other Urim ms. has instead:</note> <w form="bar" lemma="bar" pos="N" label="outside">bar</w> <w form="cej3-je26-e-zu" lemma="cej3" pos="V" label="to rain">cej3-je26-e-zu</w> <anchor id="c3309.v18"/> <w form="ib2-til-en" lemma="til" pos="V" label="to complete">ib2-til-en</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.15
Correspondence: t3309.p2
Complete Line: <l n="15" id="c3309.15" corresp="t3309.p2"> <addSpan to="c3309.v19" type="primary"/> <damage/> <w form="lib" lemma="lib" pos="N" label="(deathly) silence">lib</w> <damageEnd/> <w form="bar" lemma="bar" pos="V" label="to set aside">bar</w> <w form="ak-ju10-ta" lemma="ak" pos="V" label="to do">ak-ju10-ta</w> <anchor id="c3309.v19"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v20" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n12" lang="eng" target="c3309.v19">1 Urim ms., and probably the other, has instead:</note> <w form="lib" lemma="lib" pos="N" label="(deathly) silence">lib</w> <w form="bar" lemma="bar" pos="V" label="to set aside">bar</w> <w form="ki-ju10-ta" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki-ju10-ta</w> <anchor id="c3309.v20"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v21" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n13" lang="eng" target="c3309.v19">another ms. has instead:</note> <w form="IM" lemma="IM" label="IM">IM</w> <w form="bar" lemma="bar" pos="V" label="to set aside">bar</w> <w form="ak-ju10-ta" lemma="ak" pos="V" label="to do">ak-ju10-ta</w> <anchor id="c3309.v21"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v22" type="primary"/> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="ba-dag" lemma="dag" pos="V" label="to roam around">ba-dag</w> <anchor id="c3309.v22"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v23" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n14" lang="eng" target="c3309.v22">1 Urim ms. has instead:</note> <term id="c3309.t7"> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="bi-dag" lemma="dag" pos="V" label="to roam around">bi-dag</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c3309.t7"> ab-tu-uq </gloss> <anchor id="c3309.v23"/></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.16
Correspondence: t3309.p2
Complete Line: <l n="16" id="c3309.16" corresp="t3309.p2"> <note id="c3309.n15" lang="eng" target="c3309.16">2 mss. omit line 16</note> <addSpan to="c3309.v24" type="primary"/> <damage/> <w form="jectug2" lemma="jectug2" pos="N" label="ear">jectug2</w> <damageEnd/> <w form="cag4-ju10-ta" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-ju10-ta</w> <anchor id="c3309.v24"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v25" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n16" lang="eng" target="c3309.v24">1 Urim ms. has instead:</note> <w form="jectug2" lemma="jectug2" pos="N" label="ear">jectug2</w> <w form="cag4" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4</w> <w form="tuku-tuku" lemma="tuku" pos="V" label="to have">tuku-tuku</w> <anchor id="c3309.v25"/> <w form="lul" lemma="lul" pos="V" label="to be false">lul</w> <w form="ba-jar" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">ba-jar</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.17
Correspondence: t3309.p3
Complete Line: <l n="17" id="c3309.17" corresp="t3309.p3"> <w form="ni2" lemma="ni2" pos="N" label="fear(someness)">ni2</w> <w form="te-te-ju10-ta" lemma="te" pos="V" label="to approach">te-te-ju10-ta</w> <w form="cag4-ju10" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-ju10</w> <w form="uc2" lemma="uc2" pos="N" label="gore">uc2</w> <w form="lugud" lemma="lugud" pos="N" label="pus">lugud</w> <w form="ba-si" lemma="si" pos="V" label="to fill">ba-si</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.18
Correspondence: t3309.p3
Complete Line: <l n="18" id="c3309.18" corresp="t3309.p3"> <phr type="VP" lemma="en3 tar" label="to ask"> <w form="en3" lemma="en3" pos="N" label="noun part of multiword verb">en3</w> <w form="tar-tar-re-de3" lemma="tar" pos="V" label="to cut">tar-tar-re-de3</w> </phr> <phr type="VP" lemma="zi ir" label="to be troubled"> <w form="zi" lemma="zi" pos="N" label="life (breath)">zi</w> <w form="ba-ir" lemma="ir" pos="V" label="verb part of multiword verb">ba-ir</w> </phr></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.17A
Correspondence: t3309.p3
Complete Line: <l n="17A" id="c3309.17A" corresp="t3309.p3"> <supplied/> <w form="ni2" lemma="ni2" pos="N" label="fear(someness)">ni2</w> <w form="te-te-ju10-ne" lemma="te" pos="V" label="to approach">te<suppliedEnd/>-te-ju10-ne</w> <w form="cag4-ju10" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-ju10</w> <w form="uc2" lemma="uc2" pos="N" label="gore">uc2</w> <w form="lugud2-lugud2" lemma="lugud" pos="N" label="pus">lugud2-lugud2</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <supplied/> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.18A
Correspondence: t3309.p3
Complete Line: <l n="18A" id="c3309.18A" corresp="t3309.p3"> <phr type="VP" lemma="en3 tar" label="to ask"> <supplied/> <w form="en3" lemma="en3" pos="N" label="noun part of multiword verb">en3</w> <w form="tar-tar-de3" lemma="tar" pos="V" label="to cut">tar<suppliedEnd/>-tar-de3</w> </phr> <term id="c3309.t8"> <phr type="VP" lemma="zi ir" label="to be troubled"> <w form="zi" lemma="zi" pos="N" label="life (breath)">zi</w> <w form="ba-ir" lemma="ir" pos="V" label="verb part of multiword verb">ba-ir</w> </phr> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c3309.t8"> a-ca-<supplied/>X-X <suppliedEnd/> </gloss></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.17B
Correspondence: t3309.p3
Complete Line: <l n="17B" id="c3309.17B" corresp="t3309.p3"> <phr type="VP" lemma="en3 tar" label="to ask"> <w form="en3" lemma="en3" pos="N" label="noun part of multiword verb">en3</w> <w form="tar-tar-re-de3" lemma="tar" pos="V" label="to cut">tar-tar-re-de3</w> </phr> <phr type="VP" lemma="zi ir" label="to be troubled"> <w form="zi" lemma="zi" pos="N" label="life (breath)">zi</w> <w form="ba-ir" lemma="ir" pos="V" label="verb part of multiword verb">ba-ir</w> </phr></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.18B
Correspondence: t3309.p3
Complete Line: <l n="18B" id="c3309.18B" corresp="t3309.p3"> <w form="ni2" lemma="ni2" pos="N" label="fear(someness)">ni2</w> <w form="tej3-tej3-je26-de3" lemma="te" pos="V" label="to approach">tej3-tej3-je26-de3</w> <w form="cag4-ju10" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4-ju10</w> <w form="uc2" lemma="uc2" pos="N" label="gore">uc2</w> <w form="lugud" lemma="lugud" pos="N" label="pus">lugud</w> <w form="ab-si" lemma="si" pos="V" label="to fill">ab-si</w></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.19
Correspondence: t3309.p3
Complete Line: <l n="19" id="c3309.19" corresp="t3309.p3"> <w form="ki" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki</w> <w form="nam" lemma="nam" pos="N" label="destiny">nam</w> <w form="tar-ra-ce3" lemma="tar" pos="V" label="to cut">tar-ra-ce3</w> <addSpan to="c3309.v29" type="primary"/> <w form="nu-ub-da-jen-na-ac" lemma="jen" pos="V" label="to go">nu-ub-da-jen-na-ac</w> <anchor id="c3309.v29"/> <addSpan to="c3309.v30" type="secondary"/> <note id="c3309.n19" lang="eng" target="c3309.v29">1 Urim ms. has instead:</note> <term id="c3309.t9"> <w form="nu-ub-da-JA2" lemma="JA2" pos="V" label="&G;A&s2;">nu-ub-da-JA2</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c3309.t9"> la ac-X-<supplied/>X <suppliedEnd/> </gloss> <anchor id="c3309.v30"/></l>
Text No: c.3.3.09
Text Name: Letter from Lugal-nesa&g;e to Enlil-massu
Line Ref: c3309.20
Correspondence: t3309.p3
Complete Line: <l n="20" id="c3309.20" corresp="t3309.p3"> <w form="dug4-ga" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">dug4-ga</w> <w form="&d;en-lil2-la2-ta" lemma="en-lil2" pos="N" type="DN" label="Enlil">&d;en-lil2-la2-ta</w> <w form="muc3-me-zu" lemma="muc3-me" pos="N" label="countenance">muc3-me-zu</w> <addSpan to="c3309.v31" type="additional"/> <note id="c3309.n20" lang="eng" target="c3309.v31">the 2 Urim mss. add:</note> <w form="igi" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye">igi</w> <anchor id="c3309.v31"/> <w form="he2-bi2-ib2-du8" lemma="du8" pos="V" label="to spread">he2-bi2-ib2-du8</w></l>
Fatal error
: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_fetch_array() in /var/www/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/ get_all_lines() #1 {main} thrown in
on line