ETCSLglossing | Sign name: MI Values: gig2, g̃i6, ku10, me2, mi |
en | gal | <sup>d</sup>en-ki-ke<sub>4</sub> | <sup>d</sup>nin-maḫ-a-ra | gu<sub>3</sub> | mu-un-na-de<sub>2</sub>-e |
en | gal | en-ki | nin-maḫ | gu3 | de2 |
lord | to be big | Enki (DN) | Ninmaḫ (DN) | voice | to pour |
{ Ninmaḫ threw the pinched-off clay from her hand on the ground and a great silence fell }{ (1 ms. has instead:) Enki threw all (?) the clay to the ground and was greatly …… }. The great lord Enki said to Ninmaḫ: "I have decreed the fates of your creatures and given them their daily bread. Come, now I will fashion somebody for you, and you must decree the fate of the newborn one!" |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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