ETCSLglossing | Sign name: GA2×AN (AMA) Values: ama, dag̃al |
inim-zu | ĝuruš-e | usu-ni-gin<sub>7</sub> | šag<sub>4</sub>-ga | mu-ni-ĝal<sub>2</sub> |
inim | ĝuruš | usu | šag4 | ĝal2 |
word | young man | strength | heart | to be (located) |
Your word fills the young man's heart with vigour, so that like a thick-horned bull he butts about in the courtyard. Your word bestows loveliness on the young woman's head, so that the people in their settled cities gaze at her in wonder. (2 lines unclear) |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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