ETCSLglossingSignSign name: GIG
Values: gi17, gig, simx

Inana and Bilulu: an <foreign lang="sux">ulila</foreign> to Inana (c.1.4.4), line c144.122
Inana (DN)young manplacehand...
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Paragraph t144.p14 (line(s) 111-124) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
And immediately, under the sun of that day, it truly became so. She became the waterskin for cold water that is used in the desert. Her son Ĝirĝire together with her became the protective god of the desert and the protective goddess of the desert. Širru of the haunted desert, no one's child and no one's friend, walks in the desert and keeps count of the flour, and when water is libated and flour sprinkled for the lad wandering in the desert, the protective god of the desert and the protective goddess of the desert call out: "Libate!", call out: "Sprinkle!", and thereby cause him to be present in the place from which he vanished, in the desert. Old woman Bilulu gladdens his heart. Inana put out her hand to the lad on the ground, put out her hand to Dumuzid on the ground, his death-bound hands ……
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford