ETCSLglossingSignSign name: ŠA
Values: en8, ša

The Sumerian king list (c.2.1.1), line c211.366
Būr-Suen (RN)childUr-Ninurta (RN)
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Paragraph t211.p21 (line(s) 355-377) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
In Isin, Išbi-Erra became king; he ruled for { 33 } { (ms. P5 has instead:) 32 } years. Šu-ilīšu, the son of Išbi-Erra, ruled for { 20 } { (ms. P5 has instead:) 10 } { (ms. Su1 has instead:) 15 } years. Iddin-Dagan, the son of Šu-ilīšu, ruled for { 21 } { (ms. Su1 has instead:) 25 } years. Išme-Dagan, the son of Iddin-Dagan, ruled for { (mss. P2, P5 have:) 20 } { (ms. Mi has instead:) 18 } years. Lipit-Eštar, the son of { Išme-Dagan } { (ms. P2 has instead:) Iddin-Dagan }, ruled for (mss. L1+N1, P2, P5 have:) { 11 } years. Ur-Ninurta { (mss. L1+N1, P2 add:), the son of Iškur -- may he have years of abundance, a good reign, and a sweet life -- } ruled for (ms. P5 has:) { 28 } years. Būr-Suen, the son of Ur-Ninurta, ruled for 21 years. Lipit-Enlil, the son of Būr-Suen, ruled for 5 years. Erra-imitti ruled for { 8 } { (mss. P5, TL have instead:) 7 } years. { (ms. P5 adds:) …… ruled for …… 6 months. } Enlil-bāni ruled for 24 years. Zambiya ruled for 3 years. Iter-piša ruled for 4 years. Ur-du-kuga ruled for 4 years. Suen-magir ruled for 11 years. { (ms. P5 adds:) Damiq-ilišu, the son of Suen-magir, ruled for 23 years. } 14 kings; they ruled for { 203 years } { (ms. P5 has instead:) 225 years and 6 months }.
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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