ETCSLglossing | Sign name: URU Values: eri, iri, re2, ri2, u19, uru |
en | <sup>d</sup>nin-ĝir<sub>2</sub>-su-ra | me-ni-da | mu-na-da-dib-e |
en | nin-ĝir2-su | me | dib |
lord | Ninĝirsu (DN) | essence | to pass |
With his divine duties, namely to soothe the heart, to soothe the spirits; to dry weeping eyes; to banish mourning from the mourning heart; to …… the heart of the lord that rises like the sea, that washes away like the Euphrates, that hits like a flood storm, that has overflowed with joy after inundating a land which is Enlil's enemy, Gudea introduced his balaĝ drum, Lugal-igi-ḫuš, to Lord Ninĝirsu. |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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