ETCSLglossing | Sign name: A.TIR Values: eša |
<sup>d</sup>a-nun-na | ki | lagaš<sup>ki</sup> | en | <sup>d</sup>nin-ĝir<sub>2</sub>-su-da | ki-bi | mu-da-rin<sub>2</sub>-ne<sub>2</sub>-eš<sub>2</sub>-am<sub>3</sub> |
a-nun-na | ki | lagaš | en | nin-ĝir2-su | ki | rin2 |
Anuna (DN) | place | Lagaš (SN) | lord | Ninĝirsu (DN) | place | meaning unknown |
The house received fattened oxen and sheep. Bowls were set up in the open air and were filled with wine. The Anuna gods of the land of Lagaš gathered around Lord Ninĝirsu. In the house the purification had been completed, the oracular pronouncements had been taken care of. |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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