Father Enlil, the lord whose command cannot be altered, prince of all countries, has fixed among the black-headed people, and commanded for their benefit, a time when no one is to speak hostile words to another, when a son is to respect his father, a time to establish humility in the Land, for the inferior to be as important as the mighty, a time when the younger brother, fearing his big brother, is to show humility, a time when the elder child is to treat the younger child reasonably and to pay heed to his words, a time to take neither weak nor strong away into captivity, but to serve with great acts of good, a time to travel the disordered roadways, to extirpate evil growths, { a time when anyone is to go where they will, to hurl no insults at one's fellow, } { (1 ms. has instead the line:) a time when anyone is to go where they will, to carry oneself humbly in the plain, to perform no sacrilege, } { a time no one is to speak hostile words to another, to perform no sacrilege, } { (1 ms. has instead the line:) a time to go from one's own city to a foreign city, to have no fear on the plain, to perform no sacrilege, } a time to remove bitterness from the Land, to establish light therein, a time when darkness is to be lifted in the Land, so that living things should rejoice.