ETCSLglossingSignSignSign name: NI.UD (NA4)
Values: ia4, na4

A praise poem of Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan A + V) (c., line c25401.A.157
meaning unknowntype of beerarmto be pure
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Paragraph t25401.p9 (line(s) 133-159) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
I, Išme-Dagan, have bent my neck to the commands of Father Enlil; I have paid attention to the utterances of my master. I have established justice in Sumer; I have secured (?) Nibru like heaven itself. I have gathered together the divine powers of the E-kur, I have paid attention to its old ordinances, and I have restored its neglected rites. I, Išme-Dagan, have ……. Enlil's very precious divine powers. …… Ninlil's ……. …… the interior of E-kur …… good, …… its exterior. ……, when I venerate ……. …… Enlil and ……, its favourable spirits in the courtyard, and I introduced its favourable protective goddesses into the E-kur. I have presented marvellous food offerings to Enlil. In the …… of Enlil, established with bread, …… great regular offerings, I made numerous the fat bulls and fat sheep, ……, fish and birds, in the house of my master. I made them smell tasty in the great ovens. I contested ……. With …… I doubled (?) the regular offerings. Like water I poured out …… and liquor in unadulterated strength, from the offerings storeroom, like the rainwater that is released from heaven.
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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University of Oxford