ETCSLglossing | Sign name: DUN (ŠUL) Values: dun, dur9, sul, šaḫ2, šul, zu7 |
gal-bi | dug<sub>4</sub>-ga-bi | ud | la-ba-ni-ib-su<sub>3</sub>-ud-de<sub>3</sub> |
gal | dug4 | ud | sud |
to be big | to say | day(light) | to be distant |
It cuts short the life of those who speak too mightily. It permits no evil word to be spoken in judgment (?). ……, deception, inimical speech, hostility, impropriety, ill-treatment, wickedness, wrongdoing, looking askance (?), violence, slandering, arrogance, licentious speech (?), egotism and boasting are abominations not tolerated within the city. |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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