Sign name:
Values: murum
A prayer to Enlil for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin A) (c., line c2691.13
to be
to give
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Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.1
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="1" id="c2691.1" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="&d;en-lil2" lemma="en-lil2" pos="N" type="DN" label="Enlil">&d;en-lil2</w> <w form="lugal" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal</w> <w form="an" lemma="an" pos="N" label="heaven">an</w> <w form="ki-a" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki-<supplied/>a</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="nij2-dug4-ga-ni" lemma="nij2-dug4-ga" pos="N" label="speech">nij2-dug4-ga-ni</w> <w form="zid" lemma="zid" pos="AJ" label="right">zid</w> <w form="inim-ma-ni" lemma="inim" pos="N" label="word">inim-ma-ni</w> <supplied/> <w form="&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.2
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="2" id="c2691.2" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="&d;ri-im-&d;suen" lemma="ri-im-suen" pos="N" type="RN" label="Rīm-Sîn">&d;ri-im-&d;suen</w> <w form="sipad" lemma="sipad" pos="N" label="shepherd">sipad</w> <w form="NU" lemma="NU" label="NU">NU</w> <w form="UC" lemma="UC" label="U&C;">UC</w> <supplied/> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="ud" lemma="ud" pos="N" label="storm">ud</w> <w form="gi4-a" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">gi4-a</w> <w form="lugal-ju10" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-ju10</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <supplied/> <w form="&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.3
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="3" id="c2691.3" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="nij2-gu7" lemma="nij2-gu7" pos="N" label="food">nij2-gu7</w> <w form="zi" lemma="zi" pos="N" label="life (breath)">zi</w> <w form="til3-la" lemma="til3" pos="V" label="to live">til3-la</w> <w form="nibru&ki;" lemma="nibru" pos="N" type="SN" label="Nibru">nibru&ki;</w> <w form="du3" lemma="du3" pos="V" label="to erect"><unclear cert="qry">du3</unclear></w> <supplied/> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="Xbr" lemma="Xbr" label="Xbr">(X)</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="in-na-an-cum2-ma" lemma="cum2" pos="V" label="to give">in-na-an-cum2-ma</w> <supplied/> <w form="&X;br" lemma="&X;br" label="&X;br">(&X;)</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="cudu3" lemma="cudu3" pos="N" label="prayer">cudu3</w> <w form="he2-en-na-ca4" lemma="ca4" pos="V" label="verb part of multiword verb">he2-en-na-ca4</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.4
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="4" id="c2691.4" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="&d;ezina2" lemma="ezina2" pos="N" type="DN" label="Ezina">&d;ezina2</w> <w form="lu2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2</w> <w form="sag9" lemma="sag9" pos="V" label="to be good">sag9</w> <w form="nam-lu2-ulu3" lemma="nam-lu2-ulu3" pos="N" label="humanity">nam-lu2-<damage/><unclear cert="qry">ulu3</unclear></w> <damageEnd/> <w form="saj-e-ec" lemma="saj" pos="N" label="head">saj-e-ec</w> <w form="he2-en-na-rig7" lemma="rig7" pos="V" label="to bestow">he2-en-na-rig7</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.5
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="5" id="c2691.5" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="mu" lemma="mu" pos="N" label="name">mu</w> <w form="gi-bi" lemma="gi" pos="N" label="reed">gi-bi</w> <w form="ma-da-na-ka" lemma="ma-da" pos="N" label="land">ma-da-na-<unclear cert="qry">ka</unclear></w> <w form="cag4" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4</w> <w form="hul2-la" lemma="hul2" pos="V" label="to be happy">hul2-la</w> <w form="ud" lemma="ud" pos="N" label="day(light)">ud</w> <w form="he2-en-na-ab-zal-zal-e" lemma="zal" pos="V" label="to pass">he2-en-na-ab-zal-zal-e</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.6
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="6" id="c2691.6" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="&d;ri-im-&d;suen" lemma="ri-im-suen" pos="N" type="RN" label="Rīm-Sîn">&d;ri-im-&d;suen</w> <w form="lugal-ju10" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-ju10</w> <w form="mu-da-an-GUD-GUD-ne" lemma="GUD" pos="V" label="GUD">mu-da-an-<unclear cert="qry">GUD</unclear>-<unclear cert="qry">GUD</unclear>-ne</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.7
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="7" id="c2691.7" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="&jic;gu-za" lemma="gu-za" pos="N" label="chair">&jic;gu-za</w> <w form="nam-lugal-bi" lemma="nam-lugal" pos="N" label="kingship">nam-lugal-bi</w> <w form="he2-en-na-gen6" lemma="gen6" pos="V" label="to be firm">he2-en-na-gen6</w> <w form="bal-bi" lemma="bal" pos="N" label="term (in office)">bal-bi</w> <w form="he2-en-na-su3-ud" lemma="sud" pos="V" label="to be distant">he2-en-na-su3-ud</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.8
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="8" id="c2691.8" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="jidru-ni" lemma="jidru" pos="N" label="sceptre">jidru-ni</w> <w form="sig" lemma="sig" pos="V" label="to be low">sig</w> <w form="igi-nim-ma" lemma="igi-nim" pos="N" label="upper land">igi-nim-ma</w> <w form="he2-en-e-dug4" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">he2-en-e-dug4</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.9
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="9" id="c2691.9" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="lugal" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal</w> <w form="gu2-zal-a-bi" lemma="gu2-zal-a" pos="N" label="social inferior">gu2-zal-a-bi</w> <w form="he2-en-na-ab-gam-e" lemma="gam" pos="V" label="to bow down">he2-en-na-ab-gam-e</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.10
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="10" id="c2691.10" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="nidba" lemma="nidba" pos="N" label="(food) offering">nidba</w> <w form="&d;ri-im-&d;suen" lemma="ri-im-suen" pos="N" type="RN" label="Rīm-Sîn">&d;ri-im-&d;suen</w> <w form="lugal-ju10" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-<damage/>ju10</w> <damageEnd/> <w form="tur" lemma="tur" pos="V" label="to be small">tur</w> <w form="mah-e" lemma="mah" pos="V" label="to be majestic">mah-e</w> <w form="nibru&ki;" lemma="nibru" pos="N" type="SN" label="Nibru">nibru&ki;</w> <w form="e2-kur" lemma="e2-kur" pos="N" type="TN" label="E-kur">e2-<damage/>kur<damageEnd/></w> <supplied/> <w form="&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.11
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="11" id="c2691.11" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="cu-si-bi-ta" lemma="cu-si" pos="N" label="finger">cu-si-bi-ta</w> <w form="lal3" lemma="lal3" pos="N" label="syrup">lal3</w> <w form="i3-nun-gin7" lemma="i3-nun" pos="N" label="clarified butter">i3-nun-gin7</w> <w form="al-biz-biz-ze2-e" lemma="biz" pos="V" label="to drip">al-biz-biz-ze2-e</w> <w form="je26-e" lemma="je26" pos="PD" type="personal" label="I">je26-e</w> <w form="dumu" lemma="dumu" pos="N" label="child">dumu</w> <w form="lu2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2</w> <w form="1-gin7-nam" lemma="1" pos="NU" type="cardinal" label="1">1(DIC)-gin7-nam</w> <w form="lal3" lemma="lal3" pos="N" label="syrup">lal3</w> <w form="i3-nun-na" lemma="i3-nun" pos="N" label="clarified butter">i3-nun-na</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.12
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="12" id="c2691.12" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="nidba" lemma="nidba" pos="N" label="(food) offering">nidba</w> <w form="lugal-ju10" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-ju10</w> <damage/> <w form="asila-ju10-ta" lemma="asila" pos="N" label="rejoicing"><unclear cert="qry">asila</unclear><damageEnd/>-ju10-ta</w> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="li-bi2-ib-sub" lemma="su-ub" pos="V" label="to rub">li-bi2-ib-sub</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.13
Correspondence: t2691.p1
Complete Line: <l n="13" id="c2691.13" corresp="t2691.p1"> <w form="dumu" lemma="dumu" pos="N" label="child">dumu</w> <w form="nu-u8-gin7" lemma="me" pos="V" label="to be">nu-<unclear cert="qry">u8</unclear>-gin7</w> <w form="2" lemma="2" pos="NU" type="cardinal" label="2">2</w> <w form="janun" lemma="ja2-nun" pos="N" label="storehouse"><unclear cert="qry">janun</unclear></w> <w form="kug-babbar" lemma="kug-babbar" pos="N" label="silver">kug-babbar</w> <w form="ma-an-cum2-mu-uc" lemma="cum2" pos="V" label="to give">ma-an-cum2-mu-uc</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.14
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="14" id="c2691.14" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <supplied/> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="dili-ju10" lemma="dili" pos="AJ" label="single">dili-ju10</w> <w form="al-DA" lemma="DA" pos="V" label="DA">al-DA</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.15
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="15" id="c2691.15" corresp="t2691.p2"> <damage/> <w form="sukkal" lemma="sukkal" pos="N" label="minister"><unclear cert="qry">sukkal</unclear></w> <damageEnd/> <w form="dumu" lemma="dumu" pos="N" label="child">dumu</w> <w form="lu2-u3" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2-u3</w> <w form="je26-e-me-en" lemma="je26" pos="PD" type="personal" label="I">je26-e-me-en</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.16
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="16" id="c2691.16" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="da" lemma="da" pos="N" label="side">da</w> <w form="dumu" lemma="dumu" pos="N" label="child">dumu</w> <w form="lu2-u3-ne" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu2-u3-ne</w> <w form="mu-da-la2-e-en" lemma="la2" pos="V" label="to hang">mu-da-la2-e-en</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.17
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="17" id="c2691.17" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="igi" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye">igi</w> <w form="bar" lemma="bar" pos="V" label="to set aside">bar</w> <w form="mu-u8-dug4" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">mu-u8-dug4</w> <w form="he2-ri-ib-X" lemma="X" label="X">he2-ri-ib-X</w> <supplied/> <w form="&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.18
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="18" id="c2691.18" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="dili-am3" lemma="dili" pos="AJ" label="single">dili-am3</w> <w form="&d;ri-im-&d;suen" lemma="ri-im-suen" pos="N" type="RN" label="Rīm-Sîn">&d;ri-im-&d;suen</w> <w form="lugal-ju10" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lugal-<supplied/>ju10</w> <suppliedEnd/> <w form="lal3" lemma="lal3" pos="N" label="syrup">lal3</w> <w form="i3-nun-gin7" lemma="i3-nun" pos="N" label="clarified butter">i3-nun-gin7</w> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="sub" lemma="su-ub" pos="V" label="to rub">sub</w> <damage/> <w form="saj" lemma="saj" pos="N" label="head"><unclear cert="qry">saj</unclear></w> <damageEnd/> <supplied/> <w form="&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.19
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="19" id="c2691.19" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="inim-ju10" lemma="inim" pos="N" label="word">inim-ju10</w> <phr type="VP" lemma="si sa2" label="to make straight"> <w form="si" lemma="si" pos="N" label="horn">si</w> <w form="bi2-ib-sa2" lemma="sa2" pos="V" label="to equal">bi2-ib-<corr resp="scrOm"/>sa2</w> </phr> <corrEnd/> <w form="e2" lemma="e2" pos="N" label="house(hold)">e2</w> <damage/> <w form="ad-da-ju10" lemma="ad-da" pos="N" label="father"><unclear cert="qry">ad</unclear><damageEnd/>-da-ju10</w> <w form="in-zu" lemma="zu" pos="V" label="to know">in-<damage/><unclear cert="qry">zu</unclear></w> <damageEnd/> <w form="hu-mu-ak-e" lemma="ak" pos="V" label="to do">hu-mu-ak-e</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.20
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="20" id="c2691.20" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="1" lemma="1" pos="NU" type="cardinal" label="1">1(DIC)</w> <w form="&d;en-lil2" lemma="en-lil2" pos="N" type="DN" label="Enlil">&d;en-lil2</w> <w form="kur" lemma="kur" pos="N" label="(mountain) land">kur</w> <w form="gal-a-ni" lemma="gal" pos="V" label="to be big">gal-a-ni</w> <w form="mu-zu-gin7" lemma="zu" pos="V" label="to know">mu-zu-gin7</w> <w form="&d;ri-im-&d;suen" lemma="ri-im-suen" pos="N" type="RN" label="Rīm-Sîn">&d;ri-im-&d;suen</w> <w form="kur" lemma="kur" pos="N" label="(mountain) land">kur</w> <w form="gal-a-zu" lemma="gal" pos="V" label="to be big">gal-a-zu</w> <w form="he2-me" lemma="me" pos="V" label="to be">he2-me</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.21
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="21" id="c2691.21" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="nam-til3-zu" lemma="nam-til3" pos="N" label="life">nam-til3-zu</w> <damage/> <w form="cag4" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart"><unclear cert="qry">cag4</unclear></w> <damageEnd/> <w form="&d;nin-urta" lemma="nin-urta" pos="N" type="DN" label="Ninurta">&d;nin-urta</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="E" lemma="E" label="E">E</w> <w form="X" lemma="X" label="X">X</w> <w form="hul2" lemma="hul2" pos="V" label="to be happy">hul2</w> <w form="he2-em-dug4" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">he2-em-dug4</w> <w form="&d;nin-nibru&ki;" lemma="nin-nibru" pos="N" type="DN" label="Ninnibru">&d;nin-nibru&ki;</w> <w form="nin" lemma="nin" pos="N" label="lady">nin</w> <distinct type="emesal"> <w form="uru2" lemma="iri" pos="N" label="town" emesal="uru2">uru2</w> </distinct> <w form="ki" lemma="ki" pos="N" label="place">ki</w> <w form="ja2-ja2" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">ja2-<unclear cert="qry">ja2</unclear></w> <supplied/> <w form="&X;" lemma="&X;" label="&X;">&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.22
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="22" id="c2691.22" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="arhuc2" lemma="arhuc" pos="N" label="compassion"><unclear cert="qry">arhuc2</unclear></w> <w form="cag4-la2" lemma="cag4-la2" pos="N" label="mercy">cag4-la2</w> <w form="sug4-gin7-nam" lemma="sug4" pos="V" label="to be full">sug4-gin7-nam</w> <w form="X-ga-bi" lemma="X" label="X">X-ga-bi</w> <w form="ba-nijin2-nijin2" lemma="nijin2" pos="V" label="to go around">ba-nijin2-nijin2</w> <w form="nam-til3-ce3" lemma="nam-til3" pos="N" label="life">nam-til3-ce3</w> <w form="he2-ri-ib-nijin2-nijin2" lemma="nijin2" pos="V" label="to go around">he2-ri-ib-nijin2-nijin2</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.23
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="23" id="c2691.23" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="&d;nin-cubur" lemma="nin-cubur" pos="N" type="DN" label="Nin&c;ubur">&d;nin-cubur</w> <w form="an" lemma="an" pos="N" label="heaven">an</w> <w form="igi" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye">igi</w> <w form="&d;nanna-ke4" lemma="nanna" pos="N" type="DN" label="Nanna">&d;nanna-ke4</w> <w form="ba-dug4-&X;" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">ba-<damage/><unclear cert="qry">dug4</unclear><damageEnd/>-<supplied/>&X;</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.24
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="24" id="c2691.24" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="nij2" lemma="nij2" pos="N" label="thing">nij2</w> <w form="sag9-ga" lemma="sag9" pos="V" label="to be good">sag9-ga</w> <w form="saj-zu-ce3" lemma="saj" pos="N" label="head">saj-zu-ce3</w> <w form="he2-em-X-a" lemma="X" label="X">he2-<damage/>em<damageEnd/>-X-a</w> <w form="nam-til3-zu" lemma="nam-til3" pos="N" label="life">nam-til3-zu</w> <w form="he2-eb-be2" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">he2-eb-be2</w></l>
Text No: c.
Text Name: A prayer to Enlil for Rīm-Sîn (Rīm-Sîn A)
Line Ref: c2691.25
Correspondence: t2691.p2
Complete Line: <l n="25" id="c2691.25" corresp="t2691.p2"> <w form="igi-zu" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye">igi-zu</w> <w form="ib2-ba-a-du8" lemma="du8" pos="V" label="to spread">ib2-ba-a-du8</w> <w form="cag4" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">cag4</w> <w form="la-ba-an-X" lemma="X" label="X">la-ba-an-<supplied/>X</w> <suppliedEnd/></l>
Fatal error
: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_fetch_array() in /var/www/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/ get_all_lines() #1 {main} thrown in
on line