ETCSLglossingSignSign name: ŠA3×TUR
Values: peš13

Letter from Culgi to Icbi-Erra about the purchase of grain (c., line c31132.18
day(light)childheartto be goodyou (sg.)
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Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.1
Correspondence: t31132.p1
Complete Line: <l n="1" id="c31132.1" corresp="t31132.p1"> <w form="&m;ic-bi2-&d;er3-ra-a2-ra" lemma="ic-bi-er3-ra" pos="N" type="RN" label="I&c;bi-Erra">&m;ic-bi2-&d;er3-ra-a2-ra</w> <w form="mu-un-ne-du" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">mu-un-ne-du</w></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.2
Correspondence: t31132.p1
Complete Line: <l n="2" id="c31132.2" corresp="t31132.p1"> <w form="cul-gi" lemma="cul-gi" pos="N" type="RN" label="&C;ulgi">cul-gi</w> <w form="lu2-gal-zu2" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lu2-gal-zu2</w> <w form="na-ap-pa-a" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">na-ap-pa-a</w></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.3
Correspondence: t31132.p2
Complete Line: <l n="3" id="c31132.3" corresp="t31132.p2"> <term id="c31132.t1"> <w form="inim" lemma="inim" pos="N" label="word">inim</w> <w form="me-e" lemma="nij2" pos="N" label="thing">me-e</w> <w form="ga-na" lemma="a-na" pos="PD" type="nominal-relative" label="what(ever)">ga-na</w> <w form="u2-ud-ki-im" lemma="ur5" pos="PD" type="demonstrative" label="that">u2-ud-ki-im</w> <w form="me-e-hu-lu" lemma="hul2" pos="V" label="to be happy">me-e-hu-lu</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t1"> a-na a-wa-at ta-ac-pu-ra da-an-ni-ic ah-<corr resp="scrOm"/>du <corrEnd/> </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.4
Correspondence: t31132.p2
Complete Line: <l n="4" id="c31132.4" corresp="t31132.p2"> <term id="c31132.t2"> <damage/> <w form="e-me-du" lemma="ama-a-tud" pos="N" label="house-born slave">e<damageEnd/>-me-du</w> <w form="di-ik-ki-nam" lemma="za" pos="PD" type="personal" label="you (sg.)">di-ik-ki-nam</w> <w form="mi-in-na" lemma="me" pos="V" label="to be">mi-in-na</w> <w form="na-ar-ra" lemma="je26" pos="PD" type="personal" label="I">na-ar-ra</w> <w form="a-ba" lemma="a-ba" pos="PD" type="interrogative" label="who">a-ba</w> <w form="ma-an-cu" lemma="cum2" pos="V" label="to give"><unclear cert="cor">ma</unclear>-an-cu</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t2"> IR3 ca3 ki-ma ka-<corr resp="scrOm"/>ta <corrEnd/> ta-ak-<corr sic="KU">lu</corr> ia-a-ci2 ma-an-nu i-na-an-di-na </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.5
Correspondence: t31132.p2
Complete Line: <l n="5" id="c31132.5" corresp="t31132.p2"> <term id="c31132.t3"> <w form="a-am-ga" lemma="a2-jal2" pos="AJ" label="strong">a-am-ga</w> <w form="lu-ga-al-be" lemma="lugal" pos="N" label="king">lu-ga-al-be</w> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="zi-im" lemma="zig3" pos="V" label="to rise">zi-im</w> <w form="ga-ra" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">ga-ra</w> <w form="a-ba" lemma="a-ba" pos="PD" type="interrogative" label="who">a-ba</w> <w form="ab-tu-ku-e-ce" lemma="tuku" pos="V" label="to have">ab-tu-ku-e-ce</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t3"> le-e-a ca3 a-na be-li-cu cu-ud-mu-qu2 ma-an-nu i-cu-uc </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.6
Correspondence: t31132.p3
Complete Line: <l n="6" id="c31132.6" corresp="t31132.p3"> <term id="c31132.t4"> <w form="ne-e-ce" lemma="i3-ne-ec2" pos="AV" label="now">ne-e-ce</w> <w form="nij2" lemma="nij2" pos="N" label="thing">nij2</w> <w form="a-na" lemma="a-na" pos="PD" type="nominal-relative" label="what(ever)">a-na</w> <w form="mu-ci-iq-qa-an-gu" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">mu-ci-iq-qa-an-gu</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t4"> i-na-an-na mi-im-ma ca ta-ac-pu-ra </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.7
Correspondence: t31132.p3
Complete Line: <l n="7" id="c31132.7" corresp="t31132.p3"> <term id="c31132.t5"> <w form="jic-ki-im" lemma="jickim" pos="N" label="sign">jic-ki-im</w> <w form="li-ig-in-ne" lemma="gen6" pos="V" label="to be firm">li-ig-in-ne</w> <w form="u2-gu-zi-ec-ce" lemma="ugu" pos="N" label="skull">u2-gu-zi-ec-ce</w> <w form="me-e-ra-am-gi" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">me-e-ra-am-gi</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t5"> <unclear cert="cor">u3</unclear>-ul e-gi CE3 EDIN-ka a&t;-&t;a2-ar-da </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.8
Correspondence: t31132.p4
Complete Line: <l n="8" id="c31132.8" corresp="t31132.p4"> <term id="c31132.t6"> <w form="ba-ba-tu" lemma="ba4-ba4-ti" pos="N" type="PN" label="Babati">ba-ba-tu</w> <w form="pi-ca3-ad-ba-ar-ra" lemma="pisaj-dub-ba" pos="N" label="archivist">pi-ca3-ad-ba-ar-ra</w> <w form="at-ta-at-ta" lemma="ad-da-ab-ba" pos="N" label="grandfather">at-ta-at-ta</w> <w form="e-eg-la-am-gu" lemma="jal2" pos="V" label="to be (located)">e-eg-la-am-gu</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t6"> CE3 ba-ba-ti ca3-an-da-ba-ak-ki </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.9
Correspondence: t31132.p4
Complete Line: <l n="9" id="c31132.9" corresp="t31132.p4"> <term id="c31132.t7"> <w form="li-be-ra" lemma="libir" pos="V" label="to be old">li-be-ra</w> <w form="ad" lemma="ad" pos="N" label="voice">ad</w> <w form="ki-ki" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">ki-ki</w> <w form="ad" lemma="ad" pos="N" label="voice">ad</w> <w form="ki-ki" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">ki-ki</w> <w form="mu-un-da-a" lemma="zu" pos="V" label="to know">mu-un-da-a</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t7"> la-be-ra mu-un-ta-al-ka ca3 mi-it-lu-u2-ka i-du-u2 </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.10
Correspondence: t31132.p4
Complete Line: <l n="10" id="c31132.10" corresp="t31132.p4"> <term id="c31132.t8"> <w form="un" lemma="gun2" pos="N" label="weight measure (load)">un</w> <w form="ge-ec-tu" lemma="600" pos="NU" type="cardinal" label="600">ge-ec-tu</w> <w form="kub-babbar2" lemma="kug-babbar" pos="N" label="silver">kub-babbar2</w> <w form="un" lemma="gun2" pos="N" label="weight measure (load)">un</w> <w form="ge-ec-tu" lemma="600" pos="NU" type="cardinal" label="600">ge-ec-tu</w> <w form="ku-us-ke-ec" lemma="kug-sig17" pos="N" label="gold">ku-us-ke-ec</w> <w form="ce" lemma="sa2" pos="V" label="to equal">ce</w> <w form="mu-ra-ad-ka" lemma="dug4" pos="V" label="to say">mu-ra-ad-ka</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t8"> ne-er GU2.UN MA.NA KUG.BABBAR 60 GU2.UN MA.NA KUG.SIG17 uc-te-bi-la-ak-ku </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.11
Correspondence: t31132.p4
Complete Line: <l n="11" id="c31132.11" corresp="t31132.p4"> <term id="c31132.t9"> <w form="mu" lemma="mu" pos="N" label="name">mu</w> <w form="mu-nu-ut-ku" lemma="tuku" pos="V" label="to have">mu-nu-ut-ku</w> <w form="we-ejer" lemma="ejer" pos="N" label="back">we-ejer</w> <w form="mi-na-an-gu" lemma="ugnim" pos="N" label="troops">mi-na-an-gu</w> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="mu-un-te-em-ga" lemma="te" pos="V" label="to approach">mu-un-te-em-ga</w> <w form="im-ma-ci-im-gi" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">im-ma-ci-im-gi</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t9"> ac-cu mu-nu-ut-ke-e ca3 EJER um-ma-ni-ia il-qa-am-ma it-ta-al-ka-ak-ku </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.12
Correspondence: t31132.p5
Complete Line: <l n="12" id="c31132.12" corresp="t31132.p5"> <term id="c31132.t10"> <w form="u2-mu-uc" lemma="umuc" pos="N" label="(fore)thought">u2-mu-uc</w> <w form="eri-na-ak-ke" lemma="erin2" pos="N" label="group of people">eri-na-ak-ke</w> <w form="u2-gu-uz-ze-ec-ce" lemma="ugu" pos="N" label="skull">u2-gu-uz-ze-ec-ce</w> <w form="me-e-ra-am-gi" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">me-e-ra-am-gi</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t10"> &t;e4-mi um-ma-ni-ia CE3 &s;e2-ri-ka tu-ur2-ku </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.13
Correspondence: t31132.p5
Complete Line: <l n="13" id="c31132.13" corresp="t31132.p5"> <term id="c31132.t11"> <w form="e-ne-er-ra" lemma="e-ne" pos="PD" type="personal" label="he, she">e-ne-er-ra</w> <w form="cu-mu-un-na" lemma="cum2" pos="V" label="to give">cu-mu-un-na</w> <w form="ni-ig-na-ma-an-ne" lemma="nij2-nam" pos="PD" type="indefinite" label="anything">ni-ig-na-ma-an-ne</w> <w form="ak-ka-a" lemma="ak" pos="V" label="to do">ak-ka-a</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t11"> a-na ca3-cu i-di-ic-cu-um-ma ca3 qa-be-cu DIM2-uc </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.14
Correspondence: t31132.p5
Complete Line: <l n="14" id="c31132.14" corresp="t31132.p5"> <term id="c31132.t12"> <w form="e-ma-ru-uk-ka" lemma="a-ma-ru" pos="N" label="flood">e-ma-ru-uk-ka</w> <w form="ca3-ap-pi" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">ca3-ap-pi</w> <w form="hu-un" lemma="hul" pos="V" label="to be bad">hu-un</w> <w form="na-an-gi-ga" lemma="gig" pos="V" label="to be ill">na-an-gi-ga</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t12"> ap-pu-tu CA3-cu la i-ma-ra-a&s;-ku </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.15
Correspondence: t31132.p6
Complete Line: <l n="15" id="c31132.15" corresp="t31132.p6"> <term id="c31132.t13"> <w form="u2" lemma="u3" pos="C" label="and">u2</w> <w form="za-e" lemma="za" pos="PD" type="personal" label="you (sg.)">za-e</w> <w form="ku3-ud-ki" lemma="kug-sig17" pos="N" label="gold">ku3-ud-ki</w> <w form="kub-babbar2" lemma="kug-babbar" pos="N" label="silver">kub-babbar2</w> <w form="zu-un-ne-et-ta" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">zu-un-ne-et-ta</w> <w form="cu-u2" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu-u2</w> <w form="zi-ba-ab" lemma="te" pos="V" label="to approach">zi-ba-ab</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t13"> u3 at-ta KUG.BABBAR u3 KUG.SIG17 ca3 CU-cu le-qe2-ma </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.16
Correspondence: t31132.p6
Complete Line: <l n="16" id="c31132.16" corresp="t31132.p6"> <term id="c31132.t14"> <w form="ganba-zu2" lemma="ganba" pos="N" label="market (price)">ganba-zu2</w> <w form="e-da-da-be" lemma="dab5" pos="V" label="to seize">e-da-da-be</w> <w form="e" lemma="e" pos="N" label="barley?">e</w> <w form="ca3-a-ca3-a-ma-an-ne" lemma="sam2" pos="V" label="to barter">ca3-a-ca3-a-ma-an-ne</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t14"> <supplied/> KI<suppliedEnd/>.LAM-at I3.JAL2-cu-u2 CE-am ci2-ta-a2-a-ma </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.17
Correspondence: t31132.p6
Complete Line: <l n="17" id="c31132.17" corresp="t31132.p6"> <term id="c31132.t15"> <w form="cu" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu</w> <w form="du-uz-zu" lemma="DU" pos="V" label="DU">du-uz-zu</w> <w form="ni-ig-nam" lemma="nij2-nam" pos="PD" type="indefinite" label="anything">ni-ig-nam</w> <w form="na-an-nu-le" lemma="ur4" pos="V" label="to be convulsed">na-an-nu-le</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t15"> TA CU-ka li-ib-qur-ma mi-im-ma la ta-ar-ru-ur2 </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.18
Correspondence: t31132.p7
Complete Line: <l n="18" id="c31132.18" corresp="t31132.p7"> <term id="c31132.t16"> <w form="u2-da-da" lemma="ud" pos="N" label="day(light)">u2-da-da</w> <w form="dumu" lemma="dumu" pos="N" label="child"><term id="c31132.t101">dumu</term><gloss lang="sux" target="c31132.t101">mu</gloss></w> <w form="ca3-az" lemma="cag4" pos="N" label="heart">ca3-az</w> <w form="zu-ga-am-gu-u2" lemma="dug3" pos="V" label="to be good">zu-ga-am-gu-u2</w> <w form="de-mi-in" lemma="za" pos="PD" type="personal" label="you (sg.)">de-mi-in</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t16"> uc-tu UD-mi an-ni-i DUMU-rum mu-&t;i3-ib li-ib-bi-ia at-ta </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.19
Correspondence: t31132.p7
Complete Line: <l n="19" id="c31132.19" corresp="t31132.p7"> <term id="c31132.t17"> <w form="iri" lemma="iri" pos="N" label="town">iri</w> <w form="du" lemma="ma-da" pos="N" label="land">du</w> <w form="kur" lemma="kur" pos="N" label="(mountain) land">kur</w> <w form="mar-du" lemma="mar-tu" pos="N" type="EN" label="Martu">mar-du</w> <w form="e2-nam" lemma="elam" pos="N" type="GN" label="Elam">e2-nam</w> <w form="du-a-be" lemma="du3-a" pos="N" label="entirety">du-a-be</w> <w form="mu-ra-ga" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">mu-ra-ga</w> <w form="me-e-ek-ki-na" lemma="je26" pos="PD" type="personal" label="I">me-e-ek-ki-na</w> <w form="mi-du-gu-ut-ta" lemma="dugud" pos="V" label="to be heavy">mi-du-gu-ut-ta</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t17"> CE3 IGI a-mur-ri-i u3 NIM-ti ka-li-cu JAR-na-a-ti ki-ma ia-a-ti KU-ib </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.20
Correspondence: t31132.p8
Complete Line: <l n="20" id="c31132.20" corresp="t31132.p8"> <term id="c31132.t18"> <w form="ku-uz-zi" lemma="gu-za" pos="N" label="chair">ku-uz-zi</w> <w form="barag" lemma="barag" pos="N" label="dais">barag</w> <w form="ku-uz-zi" lemma="kug-sig17" pos="N" label="gold">ku-uz-zi</w> <w form="igi-ne-en-ne-ec-ce" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye"><term id="c31132.t102">igi</term><gloss lang="sux" target="c31132.t102">gi</gloss>-ne-en-ne-ec-ce</w> <w form="tu-uc-ca" lemma="tuc" pos="V" label="to sit">tu-uc-ca</w> <w form="AH" lemma="AH" label="A&H;">AH</w> <w form="BI" lemma="BI" label="BI">BI</w> <w form="IR" lemma="IR" label="IR">IR</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t18"> TA ku-us-si2 BARAG KUG.SIG17 CE3 IGI-cu-nu KU-<unclear cert="qry">ma</unclear> </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.21
Correspondence: t31132.p8
Complete Line: <l n="21" id="c31132.21" corresp="t31132.p8"> <term id="c31132.t19"> <w form="za-na" lemma="za" pos="PD" type="personal" label="you (sg.)">za-na</w> <w form="lu-u2-ki-im-ga-ne-en-ne" lemma="lu2-kij2-gi4-a" pos="N" label="messenger">lu-u2-ki-im-ga-ne-en-ne</w> <w form="he-li-ib-za-za-an-ne" lemma="za" pos="V" label="to bow down">he-li-ib-za-za-an-ne</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t19"> CE3 ka-cu DUMU.MEC ci-ip-ri-cu-nu li-ic-ke-nu-ni-ik-ku </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.22
Correspondence: t31132.p8
Complete Line: <l n="22" id="c31132.22" corresp="t31132.p8"> <term id="c31132.t20"> <w form="du-ru-be-cu" lemma="dur2" pos="N" label="rump">du-ru-be-cu</w> <w form="uz-zu" lemma="uz" pos="N" label="meaning unknown">uz-zu</w> <w form="hu-ur-mi" lemma="mi" pos="V" label="meaning unknown">hu-ur-mi</w> <w form="ni-ig" lemma="nij2" pos="N" label="thing">ni-ig</w> <w form="na-me" lemma="na-me" pos="PD" type="indefinite" label="any">na-me</w> <w form="na-an-tu-uk-ku" lemma="TUKU" pos="V" label="TUKU">na-an-tu-uk-ku</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t20"> e-li-cu-nu u2-te-el-li mi-im-ma la te-ne-e&aleph;2-a </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.23
Correspondence: t31132.p9
Complete Line: <l n="23" id="c31132.23" corresp="t31132.p9"> <term id="c31132.t21"> <w form="im-sik" lemma="ensi2" pos="N" label="(city) ruler">im-sik</w> <w form="zig3-ga" lemma="zig3" pos="V" label="to rise">zig3-ga</w> <w form="im-sik" lemma="ensi2" pos="N" label="(city) ruler">im-sik</w> <corr resp="scrAdd"/> ZI IM <corrEnd/> <w form="ga-ra-a" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">ga-ra-a</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t21"> IM.SIG ZI.GA IM.SIG JAR-un </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.24
Correspondence: t31132.p9
Complete Line: <l n="24" id="c31132.24" corresp="t31132.p9"> <term id="c31132.t22"> <w form="saj-jen" lemma="cagina" pos="N" label="general">saj-jen</w> <w form="ga-ra" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">ga-ra</w> <w form="nu-banda3" lemma="nu-banda3" pos="N" label="overseer">nu-banda3</w> <w form="jic-ki-im" lemma="jickim" pos="N" label="sign">jic-ki-im</w> <w form="ku-ra" lemma="kur9" pos="V" label="to enter">ku-ra</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t22"> ca3-ak-ka-na-ak-ka JAR-un NU.BANDA3 wu-ud-di </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.25
Correspondence: t31132.p9
Complete Line: <l n="25" id="c31132.25" corresp="t31132.p9"> <term id="c31132.t23"> <w form="lu-u2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu-u2</w> <w form="na-an-ga" lemma="gaz" pos="V" label="to strike (dead)">na-an-ga</w> <w form="lu-u2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu-u2</w> <w form="uk-ka" lemma="uc2" pos="V" label="to die">uk-ka</w> <w form="igi" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye"><term id="c31132.t24">igi</term><gloss lang="sux" target="c31132.t24">gi</gloss></w> <w form="lu-u2" lemma="lu2" pos="N" label="person">lu-u2</w> <w form="uk-ka" lemma="uc2" pos="V" label="to die">uk-ka</w> <w form="hu-la-a" lemma="hul" pos="V" label="to be bad">hu-la-a</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t23"> be-el an-ni a-cu-ur2 uz-ni LU2 gu-ul-li-il </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.26
Correspondence: t31132.p9
Complete Line: <l n="26" id="c31132.26" corresp="t31132.p9"> <term id="c31132.t25"> <w form="u2-ku-uc" lemma="aga-us2" pos="N" label="type of soldier">u2-ku-uc</w> <w form="i-gi" lemma="igi" pos="N" label="eye">i-gi</w> <w form="du-uq-qa" lemma="dug3" pos="V" label="to be good">du-uq-qa</w> <w form="im-ma-an-sig5-qa" lemma="sig5" pos="V" label="to be fine">im-ma-an-sig5-qa</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t25"> re-e-da-a ca3 TA IGI-ka id-dam-qu2-ma </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.27
Correspondence: t31132.p9
Complete Line: <l n="27" id="c31132.27" corresp="t31132.p9"> <term id="c31132.t26"> <w form="e2" lemma="e2" pos="N" label="house(hold)">e2</w> <w form="nam-cul-zu" lemma="nam-cul" pos="N" label="manliness">nam-cul-zu</w> <w form="e-ne-er-ra" lemma="e-ne" pos="PD" type="personal" label="he, she">e-ne-er-ra</w> <w form="du-mu-un-na" lemma="du3" pos="V" label="to erect">du-mu-un-na</w> <w form="cu-um" lemma="cu" pos="N" label="hand">cu-um</w> <w form="jar-zu" lemma="jar" pos="V" label="to place">jar-zu</w> <w form="ma-ha" lemma="mah" pos="V" label="to be majestic">ma-ha</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t26"> E2-ti e&t;-lu-ti CE3 ca3-cu DIM2-ma gi-mil-<unclear cert="cor">la</unclear>-ka li-ti-ir </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.28
Correspondence: t31132.p10
Complete Line: <l n="28" id="c31132.28" corresp="t31132.p10"> <term id="c31132.t27"> <w form="ne-e-ce" lemma="i3-ne-ec2" pos="AV" label="now">ne-e-ce</w> <w form="nij2" lemma="nij2" pos="N" label="thing">nij2</w> <w form="ga-na" lemma="a-na" pos="PD" type="nominal-relative" label="what(ever)">ga-na</w> <w form="mu-ci-iq-qa-an-gu" lemma="gi4" pos="V" label="to return">mu-ci-iq-qa-an-gu</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t27"> i-na-an-na mi-im-ma ca3 ta-ac-pu-ra </gloss></l>

Text No: c.
Text Name: Letter from &C;ulgi to I&c;bi-Erra about the purchase of grain
Line Ref: c31132.29
Correspondence: t31132.p10
Complete Line: <l n="29" id="c31132.29" corresp="t31132.p10"> <term id="c31132.t28"> <w form="e-ma-ru-uk" lemma="a-ma-ru" pos="N" label="flood">e-ma-ru-uk</w> <w form="ka-az-zu" lemma="ka" pos="N" label="mouth">ka-az-zu</w> <w form="na-ap-pa-le-e" lemma="bal" pos="V" label="to turn over">na-ap-pa-le-e</w> </term> <gloss lang="akk" target="c31132.t28"> ap-pu-tu pi-ka la te-en-na-a </gloss></l>

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_fetch_array() in /var/www/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/ get_all_lines() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/ on line 358