ETCSLglossing | Sign name: TAK4.IM Values: kidx |
jiri<sub>3</sub>-ma-an | gal-la-na | a | im-ta-ed<sub>3</sub>-de<sub>3</sub> |
jiri3-ma-an | gal | a | ed3 |
basin | to be big | water | to go down or up |
The waters rose up from it into her great basins. Her city drank water aplenty from them. Dilmun drank water aplenty from them. Her pools of salt water indeed became pools of fresh water. Her fields, glebe and furrows indeed produced grain for her. Her city indeed became an emporium on the quay for the Land. Dilmun indeed became an emporium on the quay for the Land. At that moment, on that day, and under that sun, so it indeed happened. |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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