ETCSLglossing | Sign name: DAG.KISIM5×LU (UBUR2) Values: ubur2 |
1-am<sub>3</sub> | u<sub>2</sub> | nam-til<sub>3</sub>-la | 1-am<sub>3</sub> | a | nam-til<sub>3</sub>-la | ugu-na | cub-bu-de<sub>3</sub>-en-ze<sub>2</sub>-en |
1 | u2 | nam-til3 | 1 | a | nam-til3 | ugu | cub |
1 | plant | life | 1 | water | life | skull | to fall |
"They will offer you a riverful of water -- don't accept it. They will offer you a field with its grain -- don't accept it. But say to her: "Give us the corpse hanging on the hook." (She will answer:) "That is the corpse of your queen." Say to her: "Whether it is that of our king, whether it is that of our queen, give it to us." She will give you the corpse hanging on the hook. One of you sprinkle on it the life-giving plant and the other the life-giving water. Thus let Inana arise." |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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