ETCSLglossingSignSignSign name: GIŠ.GA2×NUN/NUN
Values: g̃ušurx

The Flood story (c.1.7.4), line c174.B.14
4thZimbir (SN)young manUtu (DN)to give
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Paragraph t174.p5 (line(s) 6-18) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
After the …… of kingship had descended from heaven, after the exalted crown and throne of kingship had descended from heaven, the divine rites and the exalted powers were perfected, the bricks of the cities were laid in holy places, their names were announced and the …… were distributed. The first of the cities, Eridug, was given to Nudimmud the leader. The second, Bad-tibira, was given to the Mistress. The third, Larag, was given to Pabilsaĝ. The fourth, Zimbir, was given to the hero Utu. The fifth, Šuruppag, was given to Sud. And after the names of these cities had been announced and the …… had been distributed, the river ……, …… was watered, and with the cleansing of the small canals …… were established. (approx. 34 lines missing)
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford