ETCSLglossingSignSign name: URU×IGI (ASARI)
Values: asal, asar, asari, silig

The Sumerian king list (c.2.1.1), line c211.422
Gutium (GN)
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Paragraph t211.p22 (line(s) 378-431) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
A total of 39 kings ruled for 14409 + X years, 3 months and 3 1/2 days, 4 times in Kic. A total of 22 kings ruled for 2610 + X years, 6 months and 15 days, 5 times in Unug. A total of 12 kings ruled for 396 years, 3 times in Urim. A total of 3 kings ruled for 356 years, once in Awan. A total of 1 king ruled for 420 years, once in Hamazi. (16 lines missing) A total of 12 (?) kings ruled for 197 (?) years, once in Agade. A total of { 21 } { (ms. P4+Ha has instead:) 23 } kings ruled for { 125 years and 40 days } { (ms. P4+Ha has instead:) 99 years }, once in the army of Gutium. A total of { 11 } { (ms. P4+Ha has instead:) 16 } kings ruled for { 159 } { (ms. P4+Ha has instead:) 226 } years, once in Isin. There are 11 cities, cities in which the kingship was exercised. A total of { 134 } { (ms. P4+Ha has instead:) 139 } kings, who altogether ruled for { 28876 + X } { (ms. P4+Ha has instead:) 3443 + X } years. 21.
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford