ETCSLglossingSignSignSign name: U.AD (GIR4)
Values: gir4, isimu3

The cursing of Agade (c.2.1.5), line c215.1.204
lament singersoothing expressionE-kur (TN)to place
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Paragraph t215.p14 (line(s) 193-209) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
At that time, Enlil rebuilt his great sanctuaries into small reed (?) sanctuaries and from east to west he reduced their storehouses. The old women who survived those days, the old men who survived those days and the chief lamentation singer who survived those years set up seven balaĝ drums, as if they stood at the horizon, and together with ub { , meze, and lilis } { (some mss. have instead:), šem, and lilis } { (1 ms. has instead:) and bronze šem } drums made them resound to Enlil like Iškur for seven days and seven nights. The old women did not restrain the cry "Alas for my city!". The old men did not restrain the cry "Alas for its people!". The lamentation singer did not restrain the cry "Alas for the E-kur!". Its young women did not restrain from tearing their hair. Its young men did not restrain from sharpening their knives. Their laments were as if Enlil's ancestors were performing a lament in the awe-inspiring Holy Mound by the holy knees of Enlil. Because of this, Enlil entered his holy bedchamber and lay down fasting.
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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