ETCSLglossing | Sign name: NUN.LAGAR×SAL (ŠILAM) Values: arḫuš2, immal2, šilam |
en-lulim | sipad | mac<sub>2</sub>-lulim | en | <sup>d</sup>nin-jir<sub>2</sub>-su-ra |
en-lulim | sipad | mac2-lulim | en | nin-jir2-su |
En-lulim (DN) | shepherd | hind? | lord | Ninjirsu (DN) |
With his divine duties, namely, to make the butter abundant; to make the cream abundant; to see that the butter and the milk of the holy goats, the milking goats, and the hind, the mother of Ninjirsu, do not cease to flow in the E-ninnu sanctuary, Gudea introduced En-lulim, the herdsman of the hinds, to Lord Ninjirsu. |
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