ETCSLglossing | Sign name: KA Values: du11, dug4, ga14, giri17, gu3, inim, ka, kir4, pi4, su11, šudx, zu2, zuḫ |
<sup>jic</sup>NE-ha-an | mu-ra-ta-ed<sub>3</sub>-de<sub>3</sub> |
NE-ha-an | ed3 |
type of tree | to go down or up |
"I will bring halub and nehan trees up from the south, and cedar, cypress and zabalumwood together will be brought for you from the uplands. From the ebony mountains I will have ebony trees brought for you, in the mountains of stones I will have the great stones of the mountain ranges cut in slabs for you. On that day I will touch your arm with fire and you will know my sign." |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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