ETCSLglossingSignSign name: TWO.EŠE3 (EŠE3/EŠE3)
Values: eše3/eše3

The lament for Unug (c.2.2.5), line c225.E.D.27
Sumer (GN)Akkad (GN)fleshto beatharvest (time)to sink
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Paragraph t225.p16 (line(s) 21-31) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
"Its ribs shall be crowbars that let light pass inside like the sun's rays. Knotted at both its hips shall be city-destroying slingstones. Its great haunches shall be dripping knives, covered with gore, that make blood flow. Its muscles shall be saws that slash, its feet those of an eagle. It shall make the Tigris and Euphrates quaver, it shall make the mountains rumble. At its reverberation the hills shall be uprooted, the people shall be pitched about like sheaves, Sumer and Akkad shall shiver, they shall be flooded like a harvest crop. The foolish shall rejoice, they shall exclaim (?): "Let it come -- we shall be seeing war and battle in the city, how the sacred precinct (?) is destroyed, how the walls are battered down, how the city's peace is disrupted, how among the loyal families honest men are transformed into traitors.""
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford