ETCSLglossingSignSign name: SUD2
Values: sud2, šita3

An adab (?) to Utu for Šulgi (Šulgi Q) (c., line c24217.A.17
Utu (DN)shepherdheart...X...
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Paragraph t24217.p2 (line(s) 12-22) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
Like a mace with three lion-heads, he makes the mountains tremble and then destroys the rebel lands. …… the enemy of Nanna. …… the great …… of the gods. (2 lines fragmentary)Utu …… the shepherd. Šulgi …… justice. …… in famine. …… son of Ninsumun ……. May …… great fearsomeness for the people for you. …… the creation of …… no one …….
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford