ETCSLglossingSignSignSignSign name: NUN.ME.KA×GAN2tenu (NUN.ME.PU3)
Values: abgal2

An adab to Nergal for Šu-ilīšu (Šu-ilīšu A) (c., line c2521.E.25
placeday(light)to coverUtu (DN)to go out or indaisfear(someness)to bearto direct
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Paragraph t2521.p9 (line(s) 25-28) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
In the west, Utu has shone forth for you, and an awe-inspiring dais has been erected for you! Nergal, you, lord, are one who has the power to carry off and to bring back (?)! In the east, lord, ……, you are imbued with a terrible great awesomeness; Nergal, your praise and renown are such as to unleash awe and terror!
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford