ETCSLglossingSignSignSign name: U.DIM (GAKKUL3)
Values: gakkul3

A tigi (?) to Ninurta for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan O) (c., line c25415.2.A.24
Ninurta (DN)illustriousE-kur (TN)(X)
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Paragraph t25415.p10 (line(s) 20-35) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
Adviser, whose decisions cannot be countermanded! Ninurta, whose utterances are firm! Hero, lord, august son of Enlil! …… overpowers (?) the mountains. Ninurta, prominent in the E-kur! His huge storm ……. …… furious …… against the rebel lands. (1 line fragmentary) Ninurta, ……, great hero, who …… the enemy. Hero …… Enlil ……. (2 lines fragmentary)…… wicked ……. His …… on the foreign countries, …… covers the Land like a garment.
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford