ETCSLglossingSignSignSignSign name: A.MUŠ3×A.DI
Values: sedx

An adab to Ninurta for Lipit-Eštar (Lipit-Eštar D) (c., line c2554.B.10
E-kur (TN)shrineto be majesticto enterfatherEnlil (DN)
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Paragraph t2554.p3 (line(s) 5-11) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
For you Nintur has opened wide her creative hands; she has breast-fed you from her sweet breasts; she has fed you with the milk of vigour. As if you were a spectacular wild bull, she has made your figure strong (?), she has made your limbs massive. She has fitted you out with …… appearance, awesome radiance and heroism. Your mother, Nintur, held you by the right wrist as she led you before your father in E-kur, the august shrine. Then she said: "Decide a great fate for the son who is your avenger!"
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford