ETCSLglossingSignSign name: ḪI
Values: da10, du10, dub3, dug3, ḫe, ḫi, šar2

A šir-namgala (?) to Inana for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta A) (c., line c2561.I.84
young manEnlil (DN)E-kur (TN)armto measure
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Paragraph t2561.p17 (line(s) 78-87) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
"Youth with beautiful and well-formed limbs, …… radiantly and proudly lifting his head, full of charm and beauty, fitted for lordship, worthy of the holy dais, Ur-Ninurta: I have decided to give you your precious divine powers. I called to you when you lifted your faithful gaze: you are the one whom I called by name. Great An has made you forever pre-eminent, as far as the outer limit of the mountains. To prolong your days, O youth, in E-kur Enlil has commanded my …… holy life-giving embrace. You shall not cease to sit on …… the dais which I care for. May the foreign lands rejoice at you, my Ur-Ninurta, as at Nanna when, admired by the Land, he appears in the holy heavens."
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford