ETCSLglossingSignSignSignSign name: KI.BI.GAR (KI.BI.NIG2)
Values: g̃išbum, g̃išbun

A tigi to Enki for Ur-Ninurta (Ur-Ninurta B) (c., line c2562.C.31
E-kur (TN)dwelling placeshiningAn (DN)Enlil (DN)fleshto riseto spread
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Paragraph t2562.p6 (line(s) 25-34) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
August lord, you excel in heaven and earth, and you have made your name shine forth. Enki, you have gathered up all the divine powers that there are, and stored them in the abzu. You have made praiseworthy the divine powers, exceeding all other divine powers, of your holy dwelling which you have chosen in your heart -- the abzu, the august shrine …… -- as well as its divine plans. Its shadow covers all lands from east to west, and its terrifying splendour rests upon the holy heavens like dense thunderclouds. It fills with terror E-kur, the holy dwelling of An and Enlil. Therein, equipped with the sceptre, you fashion the numerous seeds (?) …… for the assigned divine powers of the great gods; to create mankind and to preserve them alive is in your power, Father Enki, when you take your seat on the dais where you decide destinies.
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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Updated 2006-10-09 by JE

University of Oxford