ETCSLglossingSignSign name: MUŠ/MUŠ×A+NA
Values: erina8

A hymn to Enlil for Samsu-iluna (Samsu-iluna F) (c., line c2836.B.6
E-kur (TN)house(hold)Enlil (DN)NIIGIdaisheartto be happyto sit
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Paragraph t2836.p3 (line(s) 1-9) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
Iškur, the net of the foreign lands …… made the foreign countries praise him duly, and made the mighty …… manifest. Samsu-iluna, the good hero, lordly one of his Land, has wisely co-ordinated decisions for the Land. From the banks of the Tigris and the banks of the Euphrates, to the shores of the sea …… and the banks of its rivers, men …… Samsu-iluna. In E-kur, the house of Enlil, …… he has taken his seat on his dais of joy. Enlil, it is sweet to praise you. Enlil, give my king a brilliant destiny and years of life! Grant him as a gift a life of long days!
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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