ETCSLglossing | Sign name: KU Values: bid3, bu7, dab5, dib2, dur2, duru2, durun, gu5, ku, nu10, suḫ5, še10, tukul, tuš, ugu4 |
aga-us<sub>2</sub> | saj-ja<sub>2</sub>-na | 5 | li-mu-um-ta-am<sub>3</sub> | zid-da | gab<sub>2</sub>-bu-na | ib<sub>2</sub>-ta-an-gub-bu-uc |
aga-us2 | saj | 5 | 1000 | zid | gabu2 | gub |
type of soldier | head | 5 | 1000 | right | left (side) | to stand |
To his right and left he had …… soldiers (?) stationed, five thousand at each side. He placed at their disposal six fattened oxen and { 60 } { (1 ms. has instead:) 20 } fattened { sheep } { (1 ms. has instead:) rams } for a meal. He assumed the right to perform my lord's lustration rites. |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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