ETCSLglossingSignSign name: DAG.KISIM5×GA (UBUR)
Values: akan, ubur

Letter from Aradĝu to Šulgi about the fortress Igi-ḫursaĝa (c.3.1.06), line c3106.A.8
Utu (DN)to go out or inday(light)to coversidethe Landto completeto carry
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Paragraph t3106.p3 (line(s) 5-9) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
As to the fortification which my lord sent me back to, the work on it has been put into effect. The approach of the enemy is kept at a distance from the Land. My lord continues to maintain his sublime reputation in the south and the uplands, from the rising to the setting sun, as far as the borders of the entire Land. { The rebellious (?) Martu have turned back …… } { (an Akkadian gloss has instead:) The totality …… }.
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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