When she had removed the great punishment from her body, she invoked blessings upon it; she caused it to be named the pilipili. She broke the spear and as if she were a man …… gave her a weapon. When she had …… punishment, it is not ……. She …… the door of the house of wisdom, she makes known its interior. Those who do not respect her suspended net do not escape …… when she suspends the meshes of her net. The man she has called by name she does not hold in esteem. Having approached the woman, she breaks the weapon and gives her a spear. The male jicgisajkec, the nisub and the female jicgi ritual officiants, after having …… punishment, moaning ……. The ecstatic, the transformed pilipili, the kurjara and the sajursaj ……. Lament and song ……. They exhaust themselves with weeping and grief, they …… laments.