ETCSLglossing | Sign name: KU4 Values: ku4, kur9 |
AN | DUR | gud-gin<sub>7</sub> | e<sub>2</sub> | suhuc | gub-bu-gin<sub>7</sub> |
AN | DUR | gud | e2 | suhuc | gub |
AN | DUR | bull | house(hold) | foundation | to stand |
Butting …… aggressively, ……, never tiring, …… in heaven and on earth; giving princely commands to ……, …… like a bull, ……, looking down upon his rivers grand and small! Lion uttering hostile words to the enemy, supplying evening light to dark places! Youthful Suen, glorious moonlight, the people gaze at you in wonder. |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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