ETCSLglossing | Sign name: LU2 Values: lu2 |
nin-bi | dumu | eridug<sup>ki</sup>-ga | tud-da |
nin | dumu | eridug | tud |
lady | child | Eridug (SN) | to give birth |
There is a city, there is a city whose powers are apparent. Nijin is the city whose powers are apparent. The holy city is the city whose powers are apparent. The mountain rising from the water is the city whose powers are apparent. Its light rises over the secure temple; its fate is determined. There is perfection in the city; the rites of Mother Nance are performed accordingly. Its lady, the child born in Eridug, Nance, the lady of the precious divine powers, is now to return. |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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