ETCSLglossingSignSignSign name: GA2×AN.DUN3gunu (AMA.GIN2)
Values: agarin3

A hymn to Ninisina (Ninisina D) (c.4.22.4), line c4224.A.3
voiceto returnimportantfatherto give birthhousekeeperrightE-kur (TN)
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Paragraph t4224.p1 (line(s) 1-7) Click line no. for paragraph-aligned layout of transliteration and translation.
Lady, surpassing with august divine powers, with head high, full of awesomeness, beloved daughter of great An! Ninisina, born of Uraš, from the great womb …… a great destiny, grandiloquent counsellor of her own father, good stewardess of E-kur! Beautiful ……, glory of the holy throne-dais, merciful, …… of the black-headed! Holy Ninisina, making everything manifest! My lady, …… in a white garment and cloak! The impressive course of your outstandingly great deeds, which surpass description, is praised.
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary

Sumerian scribe

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University of Oxford