ETCSLglossing | Sign name: SAG׊ID (DILIB3) Values: dilib3 |
lu2 | dub | zu2 | keše2-da | en-ḫe2-du7-an-na |
LU2 | DUB | ZU2 | KEšE2-DA | EN-ḫE2-DU7-AN-NA |
lu2 | dub | zu2 | keše2 | en-ḫe2-du7-an-na |
person | tablet | tooth | to bind | En-ḫedu-ana (PN) |
The compiler of the tablets was En-ḫedu-ana. My king, something has been created that no one has created before. |
ePSD = The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary |
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