ETCSLbibliography | ![]() | Sign name: DUgunu (SUḪUŠ) Values: suḫuš |
Consolidated bibliography of Sumerian literatureThis bibliography contains all the items cited in the individual bibliographies accompanying the compositions edited within the corpus; it does not aim to be an exhaustive bibliography of the subject. Afanas'eva, Veronika. 1987. "Das sumerische Sargon-Epos. Versuch einer Interpretation". In Altorientalische Forschungen 14. 237-246. Al-Fouadi, Abdul-Hadi A. 1969. Enki's Journey to Nippur: The Journeys of the Gods. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. Ali, Fadhil A. 1964. Sumerian Letters: Two Collections from the Old Babylonian Schools. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. Ali, Fadhil A. 1964a. "Blowing The Horn for Official Announcement". In Sumer 20. 66-68. Ali, Fadhil A. 1966. "Dedication of a Dog to Nintinugga". In Archív Orientální 34. 289-293. Ali, Fadhil A. 1970. "Three Sumerian Letters". In Sumer 26. 145-178. Alster, Bendt. 1971. "On the Sumerian Lullaby". In Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale 65. 170-171. Alster, Bendt. 1971-72. "Ninurta and the Turtle". In Journal of Cuneiform Studies 24. 120-125. Alster, Bendt. 1972. Dumuzi's dream. Aspects of oral poetry in a Sumerian myth. Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology 1. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag. Alster, Bendt. 1974. "On the Interpretation of the Sumerian Myth 'Inanna and Enki'". In Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 64. 20-34. Alster, Bendt. 1974a. The Instructions of Suruppak. Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology 10. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag. Alster, Bendt. 1975. "A new source for Dumuzi's Dream". In Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale 69. 97-108. Alster, Bendt. 1976. "On the Earliest Sumerian Literary Tradition". In Journal of Cuneiform Studies 28. 109-126. Alster, Bendt. 1980. "Sumerian Proverb Collection XXIV". In Assyriological Miscellanies i. 33-50. Alster, Bendt. 1982. "Notes brèves". In Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale 76. 191. Alster, Bendt. 1983. "The Mythology of Mourning". In Acta Sumerologica 5. 1-16. Alster, Bendt. 1985. "Sumerian Love Songs". In Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale 79. 127-159. Alster, Bendt. 1985a. "[G]eštinanna as Singer and the Chorus of Uruk and Zabalam: UET 6/1 22". In Journal of Cuneiform Studies 2, 37. 219-228. Alster, Bendt. 1986. "A Sumerian Poem about Early Rulers". In Acta Sumerologica 8. 1-11. Alster, Bendt. 1987. "Additional Fragments of the Instructions of Shuruppak". In Aula Orientalis 5. 199-206. Alster, Bendt. 1987a. "A Note on the Uriah Letter in the Sumerian Sargon Legend". In Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 77. 169-173. Alster, Bendt. 1987b. "Two fragments of a Sumerian disputation". In NABU. No. 104. Alster, Bendt. 1988. "Sumerian Literary Texts in the National Museum, Copenhagen". In Acta Sumerologica 10. 1-15. Alster, Bendt. 1990. "Shuruppak's Instructions — Additional Lines Identified in the Early Dynastic Version". In Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 80. 15-19. Alster, Bendt. 1990a. "A duplicate to 'Enlil and Namzitarra'". In NABU. No. 102. Alster, Bendt. 1990b. "Contributions to the Study of Sumerian Texts in the Iraq Museum, Baghdad: 1. Collations to In-nin-šà-gur4-ra: TIM IX 20-26". In NABU. No. 100. Alster, Bendt. 1990c. "The Sumerian Poem of Early Rulers and Related Poems". In Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 21. 5-25. Alster, Bendt. 1991-93. "The Three Ox-Drivers from Adab". In Journal of Cuneiform Studies 43-45. 27-38. Alster, Bendt. 1992. "Early Dynastic Proverbs and Other Contributions to the Study of Literary Texts from Abu Salabih". In Archiv für Orientforschung 38. 1-51. Alster, Bendt. 1993. "Marriage and Love in the Sumerian Love Songs". In The Tablet and the Scroll: Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William W. Hallo. Cohen, Mark E., Snell, Daniel C., and Weisberg, David B. (ed). Bethesda, MD: CDL Press. 15-27. Alster, Bendt. 1996. "Like a Clod thrown into Water: On the translation of a Sumerian Proverbial phrase". In Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 86. 17-20. Alster, Bendt. 1996a. "Inanna Repenting. The Conclusion of Inanna's Descent". In Acta Sumerologica 18. 1-18. Alster, Bendt. 1997. "Sumerian Canonical Compositions. C. Individual Focus. 1. Proverbs". In The Context of Scripture, I: Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World. Hallo, William W. (ed). Leiden/New York/Köln: Brill. 563-568. Alster, Bendt. 1997a. Proverbs of Ancient Sumer: The World's Earliest Proverb Collections. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press. Alster, Bendt. 1997b. "Sumerian Canonical Compositions. C. Individual Focus. 1. Instructions". In The Context of Scripture, I: Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World. Hallo, William W. (ed). Leiden/New York/Köln: Brill. 569-570. Alster, Bendt. 1999a. "Updates to Šuruppak's Instructions, Proverbs of Ancient Sumer, and Ancient Rulers". In NABU. No. 88. Alster, Bendt and Geller, M.J. 1990. Sumerian Literary Texts. Cuneiform texts from Babylonian tablets in the British Museum 58. London: British Museum Publication for the Trustees of the British Museum. Alster, Bendt and Vanstiphout, Herman L.J. 1987. "Lahar and Ashnan. Presentation and Analysis of a Sumerian Disputation". In Acta Sumerologica 9. 1-43. Alster, Bendt and Walker, C.B.F. 1989. "Some literary texts in the British Museum". In DUMU-E₂-DUB-BA-A. Studies in Honor of Åke W. Sjöberg. Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 11. Behrens, Hermann, Loding, Darlene T., and Roth, Martha T. (ed). Philadelphia: University Museum. 1-19. Attinger, Pascal. 1984. "Enki et Nin[h]ursa[g]a". In Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 74. Berlin 1-52. Attinger, Pascal. 1984a. "Remarques a propos de la "Malédiction d'Accad"". In Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale 78. 99-121. Attinger, Pascal. 1993. Eléments de linguistique sumérienne. La construction de du₁₁/e/di "dire". Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Sonderband. Fribourg/Göttingen: Editions Universitaires/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Attinger, Pascal. 2000. Ur III letter scores. Barnett, R.D. and Kramer, Samuel Noah. 1963. "Xenophon and the Wall of Media". In Journal of Hellenic Studies 83. 1-26. Barnstone, A. and Barnstone, W. (ed). 1980. A Book of Women Poets from Antiquity to Now. New York: Schocken. Bauer, J. 1977. "Review of Alster 1972". In Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127. 113-115. Bauer, J. 2002. "Sumerische Sprichwoerter aus Susa". In NABU. No. 41. Behrens, Hermann. 1978. Enlil und Ninlil. Ein sumerischer Mythos aus Nippur. Studia Pohl Series Major 8. Rome: Biblical Institute Press. Behrens, Hermann. 1983-84. "Review of Berlin 1979". In Archiv für Orientforschung 29-30. 98-103. Behrens, Hermann. 1988. "Eine Axt für Nergal". In A Scientific Humanist: Studies in Memory of Abraham Sachs. Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 9. Leichty, Erle, Ellis, Maria de Jong, and Gerardi, Pamela (ed). Philadelphia: The University Museum. 27-32. Behrens, Hermann. 1998. Die Ninegalla-Hymne. Die Wohnungnahme Inannas in Nippur in altbabylonischer Zeit. Freiburger Altorientalische Studien 21. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. Benito, C.A. 1969. "Enki and Ninmah" and "Enki and the World Order". Philadelphia. Berlin, Adele. 1979. Enmerkar and Ensu[h]kešdanna. A Sumerian Narrative Poem. Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund 2. Philadelphia: The University Museum. Bernhardt, Inez and Kramer, Samuel Noah. 1956-57. "Götter-Hymnen und Kult-Gesänge der Sumerer auf zwei Keilschrift-"Katalogen" in der Hilprecht-Sammlung". In Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena 6. 389-395. Biggs, Robert D. 1971. "An Archaic Sumerian version of the Kesh Temple Hymn from Tell Abū [S]alābīkh". In Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 61. 193-207. Black, Jeremy A. 1992. "Some structural features of Sumerian narrative poetry". In Mesopotamian Epic Literature: oral or aural?. Vogelzang, Marianna E. and Vanstiphout, Herman L.J. (ed). Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press. 71-101. Black, Jeremy A. 1995. "Real and unreal conditional sentences in Sumerian". In Acta Sumerologica 17. 15-39. Black, Jeremy A. 1996. "The Imagery of Birds in Sumerian Poetry". In Mesopotamian Poetic Language: Sumerian And Akkadian. Proceedings of the Groningen Group for the Study of Mesopotamian Literature Cuneifrom Monographs, 6 2. Vogelzang, Marianna E. and Vanstiphout, Herman L.J. (ed). Groningen: Styx. 23-46. Black, Jeremy A. 1998. Reading Sumerian poetry. Athlone Publications in Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. London: Athlone. Black, Jeremy A. 2004a. "Dumuzid and his sisters". In Orientalia NS 73. 228-234. Böck, B. 1996. "'Wenn du zu Nintinuga gesprochen hast, ..', Untersuchungen zu Aufbau, Inhalt, Sitz-im-Leben und Funktion sumerischer Gottesbriefe". In Altorientalische Forschungen 1, 23. 3-23. Borger, Rykle. 1991. Ein Brief Sîn-idinnams von Larsa an den Sonnengott sowie Bemerkungen über 'Joins' und das 'Joinen'. Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen I. Philologisch-historische Klasse 1991/2. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht in Göttingen. Bottéro, Jean. 1991. "La "tenson" et la réflexion sur les choses en Mésopotamie". In Dispute Poems and Dialogues in the Ancient and Medieval Near East. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 42. Reinink, G. and Vanstiphout, Herman L.J. (ed). Leuven: Peeters. 7-22. Bottéro, Jean and Kramer, Samuel Noah. 1989, reprinted 1993. Lorsque les dieux faisaient l'homme rev. Éditions Gallimard. Brown, David and Zólyomi, Gábor. 2001. ""Daylight converts to night-time": An astrological-astronomical reference in Sumerian literary context, "Daylight converts to night-time". An astrological-astronomical reference in Sumerian literary context". In Iraq 63. 149-154. Bruschweiler, Françoise. 1987. Inanna: la déesse triomphante et vaincue dans la cosmologie sumérienne. Recherche lexicographique. Les Cahiers du CEPOA (Centre d'Étude du Proche-Orient Ancien) 4. Leuven: Éditions Peeters. Caplice, R. 1973. "Review of Alster 1972". In Orientalia 42. 525-526. Castellino, G. 1957. "Urnammu. Three Religious Texts". In Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 52. 1-57. Castellino, G. 1959. "Urnammu. Three Religious Texts (continued)". In Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 53. 106-132. Castellino, G. 1972. Two Šulgi Hymns (B, C). Studi semitici 42. Rome. Cavigneaux, Antoine. 1987. "Notes Sumérologiques". In Acta Sumerologica 9. 45-66. Cavigneaux, Antoine. 1996. Uruk, Altbabylonische Texte aus dem Planquadrat Pe XVI-4/5, nach Kopien von Adam Falkenstein. Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka Endberichte 23. Böhmer, R.M. (ed). Mainz am Rhein: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Orient-Abteilung,Verlag Philip von Zabern. Cavigneaux, Antoine and Al-Rawi, Farouk N.H. 1993. "Gilgameš et Taureau de Ciel (šul-mè-kam) (Textes de Tell Haddad IV)". In Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale 2, 87 I-III. Paris 97-129. Cavigneaux, Antoine and Al-Rawi, Farouk N.H. 2000. Gilgameš et la Mort. Texts de Tell Haddad VI, avec un appendice sur les textes funéraires sumériens. Cuneiform Monographs 19. Groningen: Styx Publications. Cavigneaux, Antoine and Al-Rawi, Farouk N.H. 2000a. "La fin de Gilgameš, Enkidu et les Enfres d'après les manuscrits d'Ur et de Meturan (Textes de Tell Haddad VIII)". In Iraq 62. in press. Charpin, Dominique. 1986. Le Clergé d'Ur au siècle d'Hammurapi. Bibliothèque des histoires. Paris: Gallimard/NRF. Çıǧ, Muazzez and Kramer, Samuel Noah. 1976. "The Ideal Mother: A Sumerian Portrait". In Belleten 40. 413-421. Çıǧ, Muazzez, Kızılyay, Hatice, and Kramer, Samuel Noah. 1976. İstanbul Sümer Edebî Tablet ve Parçaları 2. Civil, Miguel. 1961. "The home of the fish: a new Sumerian literary composition". In Iraq 23 66. 154-175. Civil, Miguel. 1964. A Hymn to the Beer Goddess and a Drinking Song. Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim, June 7, 1964.. Chicago, IL: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. 67-89. Civil, Miguel. 1964a. "The 'Message of Lú-dingir-ra to His Mother' and a Group of Akkado-Hittite 'Proverbs'". Journal of Near Eastern Studies 23. 1-11. Civil, Miguel. 1968. "Išme-Dagan and Enlil's Chariot". In Journal of the American Oriental Society 88. 3-14. Civil, Miguel. 1969. "Review of CT 44". In Journal of Near Eastern Studies 28. 70-72. Civil, Miguel. 1969a. "Sur le nom d'un roi de Kiš". In Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale 63. 179. Civil, Miguel. 1969b. "Le chien de Nintinugga". In Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale 63. 180. Civil, Miguel. 1972. "Supplement to the Introduction to ISET I". In Orientalia 41. 83-90. Civil, Miguel. 1974-1977. "Enlil and Namzitarra". In Archiv für Orientforschung 25. 65-71. Civil, Miguel. 1976. "The song of the plowing oxen". In Kramer Anniversary Volume. Cuneiform Studies in honor of Samuel Noah Kramer. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 25. Eichler, Barry L., Heimerdinger, Jane W., and Sjöberg, Åke W. (ed). Neukirchen-Vluyn: Butzon & Bercker Kevelaer. 85-95. Civil, Miguel. 1976a. "Lexicography". In Sumerological studies in honor of Thorkild Jacobsen on his seventieth birthday, June 7, 1974. Assyriological Studies 20. Lieberman, Stephen J. (ed). Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press. 123-157. Civil, Miguel. 1982. "Studies on Early Dynastic Lexicography. I". In Oriens Antiquus 21. 1-26. Civil, Miguel. 1983. "Enlil and Ninlil: the Marriage of Sud". In Journal of the American Oriental Society 103. 43-66. Civil, Miguel. 1984. "Notes on the "Instructions of Šuruppak"". In Journal of Near Eastern Studies 43. 281-298. Civil, Miguel. 1985a. "On Some Texts Mentioning Ur-Namma". In Orientalia 54. 27-45. Civil, Miguel. 1987. "The Tigidlu Bird and a Musical Instrument". In NABU. No. 48. Civil, Miguel. 1988. "A Spurious Sumerian "Disputation"". In NABU. No. 5. Civil, Miguel. 1993. "On Mesopotamian Jails and Their Lady Warden". In The Tablet and the Scroll: Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William W. Hallo. Cohen, Mark E., Snell, Daniel C., and Weisberg, David B. (ed). Bethesda, MD: CDL Press. 72-78. Civil, Miguel. 1994. The Farmer's Instructions. A Sumerian Agricultural Manual. Aula Orientalis Supplementa 5. Sabadell: Editorial Ausa. Civil, Miguel. 1996f. "Literary Text about Ur-Namma". In Aula Orientalis 14. 163-167. Civil, Miguel. 1996g. "Sin-iddinam in Emar and SU.A = Šimaški". In NABU. No. 41. Civil, Miguel. 1999-2000. "Reading Gilgameš". In Aula Orientalis 17-18. 179-189. Civil, Miguel. 2000. "From the Epistolary of the Edubba". In Wisdom, Gods and Literature. Studies in Assyriology in Honour of W.G. Lambert. George, Andrew R. and Finkel, I.L. (ed). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. 105-118. Civil, Miguel. 2002. "The Forerunners of Marû and [H]am[t]u in Old Babylonian". In Riches Hidden in Secret Places: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Memory of Thorkild Jacobsen. Abusch, Tzvi (ed). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. 63-71. Cohen, Sol. 1973. Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. Cohen, Mark E. 1975. "The Incantation-Hymn: Incantation or Hymn?". In Journal of the American Oriental Society 95. 592-611. Cohen, Mark E. 1975a. "šár.ur₄. A Širnamšubba of Ninurta". In Welt des Orients 8. 22-36. Cohen, Mark E. 1976. "Literary Texts from the Andrews University Archaeological Museum". In Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale 70. 129-144. Cohen, Mark E. 1976a. "The "Monkey Letter": A Different Perspective". In Orientalia 45. 270-274. Cooper, Jerrold S. 1971. "New Cuneiform Parallels to the Song of Songs". In Journal of Biblical Literature 90. 157-162. Cooper, Jerrold S. 1978. The Return of Ninurta to Nippur 52. Analecta Orientalia. Rome: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum. Cooper, Jerrold S. 1980. "Critical Review. 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