The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature
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Fragment of royal praise poetry: composite text

N.B. genre classification uncertain


unknown no. of lines missing
1[...] X
2[...] X
3[...] X
2 lines missing
6[...] /lu2?\
7[...] X
unknown no. of lines missing


1[...] /e\
2[...] X LA X /DU?\ X [X X (X)] X ur2-/ra?\
3[...] den-lil2 /nam\-lugal sud?-/da?\ [(X)] /mu\-na-an-cum2-ma? X X IG
4[...] X DI cag4? kuc2-u3-a [X]-e
5[...] cul dsuen-/na\-ra
6[... cag4] mu-na-an-huj-/je26\-e
7[...] X /mu\-na-ni-/in\-cum2
8[...] TAG? [X] X ba-gub-/be2\-en
9[...] X X [...] X /ib2\-jal2
unknown no. of lines missing

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Revision history

30.vii.2001 : GZ : typing, standardisation
24.viii.2001 : JAB : proofreading
24.viii.2001 : GZ : SGML tagging
14.ix.2001 : ER : proofreading SGML
14.ix.2001 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0