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A balbale to Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana E1): translation


unknown no. of lines missing
16 lines fragmentary or unclear

17-22The young maiden ...... ornaments. The young man ...... sword belt. Let my girlfriend ...... to the place of the festival. She rides on a beast, ...... on a beast. ...... on a lion ....... ...... on a great beast .......
unknown no. of lines missing


1-161 line fragmentary
...... gathers ......, ...... on her ears. She blends (?), she blends (?) ........ She blends (?) kohl. She lets down her hair which was combed up. She bathes and rubs herself with soap. She rubs herself with soap from the white bowl, she bathes with water from the holy ewer. She anoints herself with sweet oil from the stone bowl. She dresses in her laundered clothes. She combs up her hair which was let down. She paints her eyes with kohl. She puts the lapis lazuli beads on her neck, arranging their button on her neck sinews. She ...... a cylinder seal on the nape of her neck. She covers her body with a queenly robe.

17-21Durtur ...... the house of her girlfriend. Durtur, walking on the hills, ....... Durtur, circling (?) around in the valleys, ....... Durtur ...... her girlfriend. Durtur .......
unknown no. of lines missing


2 lines fragmentary
...... Lugalbanda. ...... Ninsun. Durtur ...... kohl on her eyes.
2 lines fragmentary

8A balbale to Inana.

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Revision history

06.ii.1999 : JAB : adapting translation
03.xii.1999 : GC : proofreading
04.xii.1999 : GC : tagging
18.ii.2000 : ER : proofreading SGML
18.ii.2000 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed