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A shir-gida to Ninurta (Ninurta A): translation


1-8The warrior, the lordly son of Enlil, Ninurta, the fierce bull, fit to be a prince, the hero manifest in E-cu-me-ca, the glory of E-kur, the rigorous judge, king, ...... of the gods, the butting bull, placing his foot on the rebel lands, Ninurta, the lord of E-cu-me-ca, has taken his seat on the throne-dais of An.

9-17Like the new moon he comes forth over the people. Like Nanna he is ...... in heaven and earth. He holds in his hand a sceptre of shining precious metal, and the true crown of An is placed on his head. Like Utu he comes forth over the cypresses; like Nanna he stands over the high mountains. The lord in the courtyard (1 ms. has instead: The lord, the king), ......, the king who was born in the women's chambers in the mountains, second in rank ......
at least 6 lines missing


1-9...... playing ......, ...... roaring ......, in the remote ...... lord Ninurta ...... all the divine powers ...... ornament of cuba stone, Inana ......, beautiful charms ....... The lord of the great place of An, ....... ...... in the abzu constantly, the lord, the foremost one of the house of the excellent divine powers ......, greeting Enki in the abzu shrine.

10-22August wisdom filling the Land like the abzu, ...... of his pure house, ...... he tends carefully, ...... he calls. The house of cedar ...... (1 ms. has instead: The lord ......). He pours light over the fields. The lord with the holy mouth (?) standing on the high mountains, the light keeping guard over ......, present constantly every month in the great shrine, Uta-ulu, lord of the gods, great hero of An's, great lord of Enlil's, Ninurta, august son of E-kur, lordly son of his own father, your praise is sweet!

23A cir-gida to Ninurta.

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Revision history

22.vii.1999-27.vii.1999 : JAB : adapting translation
02.xii.1999 : GZ : proofreading
03.xii.1999 : GC : tagging
22.xii.1999 : ER : proofreading SGML
22.xii.1999 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed