An adab (?) to Ninurta for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan P)
unknown no. of lines missing
1-11. 3 lines fragmentary Great warrior, ……. Brave ……. His radiance ……. 1 line fragmentary …… the cities and settlements. Roaring lion …… to ……. Ninurta. Uta-ulu …….
15-27. 2 lines fragmentary …… in the Ubšu-unkena. …… the status of Enlil ……. …… the power of the Great Mountain Enlil ……. …… my man ……. Prince Išme-Dagan ……. …… Ninurta ……. …… fifty-headed battle-mace ……. …… Išme-Dagan ……. 1 line fragmentary …… great copper throne ……. 1 line fragmentary unknown no. of lines missing
Revision history
02.iii.2000: GZ, editor: translation JAB, editor: proofreading GC, editor: SGML tagging ER, editor: proofreading SGML ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion