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Letter from Ur-saga to a king fearing the loss of his father's household: bibliography

Print sources used

Ali, Fadhil A., "Sumerian Letters: Two Collections from the Old Babylonian Schools", University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, 1964 ( Ph.D. dissertation): 80-84, pl. xxiv-xxv, xxxviii, l, liii: composite text, score transliteration, translation, handcopy, commentary (hand copies in pls.)

Cavigneaux, A., and Böhmer, R.M., Uruk, Altbabylonische Texte aus dem Planquadrat Pe XVI-4/5, nach Kopien von Adam Falkenstein. (Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka Endberichte, 23) Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Orient-Abteilung,Verlag Philip von Zabern,: Mainz am Rhein, 1996: 60-61: composite text, handcopy, commentary (no. 115)

Falkenstein, A., "Ein sumerischer "Gottesbrief"", Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 44 (1938), 1-25, pl. I-II: composite text, translation, photograph, commentary

Hallo, William W., "Individual Prayer in Sumerian: The Continuity of a Tradition", Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (1968), 71-89: 75-76: translation

Kramer, Samuel Noah, "Sumerian Petition", in Pritchard, James B. (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Third ed.), Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1969: 382: translation, commentary

Krebernik, M., "Die Textfunde der 9. Kampagne (1986)", in Hrouda, Barthel (ed.), Isin-Ishan Bahriyat IV: Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 1986-1989 Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: 105-107, pl. pl. 56, fig. fig. 10: score transliteration, translation, commentary, handcopy, photograph ( IB 1706)

Langdon, Stephen, and Hilprecht, H.V., Historical and Religious Texts from the Temple Library of Nippur. (Babylonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A, Cuneiform Texts, 31), München, 1914: 25: score transliteration, translation, commentary ( Edin 09-405-32 (Langdon, BL 5))

Michalowski, Piotr, "The Royal Correspondence of Ur", Yale University: 1976 (PhD Dissertation): 12-15: composite text, translation, commentary

Electronic sources used

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Cuneiform sources

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Page created on 7 December, 2001.