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Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Puzur-Shulgi hoping for Ishbi-Erra's downfall: translation

Version A

1-3Say to Puzur-Culgi (2 mss. have instead: Puzur-Numucda), the governor of Kazallu: this is what Ibbi-Suen, your lord, says:

4-5When I had chosen for you ...... from among the troops, they were at your disposal, as governor of Kazallu. But as in my own case, are not your troops (1 ms. has instead: your people) proof (?) of your importance?

6-9Why have you sent me somebody saying: "Icbi-Erra has got his eyes upon me -- so let me come to you when he falls upon me"?

10-14How come you did not know how long it would take to make Icbi-Erra return to the mountain lands? Why have you and Girbubu, the governor of Jirikal, not confronted him with the troops which you had at hand? How could you allow (?) him to restore (?) ......?

15-19Today (?) Enlil loathes Sumer and has elevated to the shepherdship of the Land an ape which has descended (2 mss. have instead: come forth) from those mountain lands. Now Enlil has given kingship to an idiot, a seller of (1 ms. has instead: who values) asafoetida (1 ms. has instead: At this moment Enlil ...... to somebody who sells asafoetida, a peripatetic idiot) -- to Icbi-Erra, who is not of Sumerian origin.

20-24See, the assembly where the gods are and Sumer itself have been dispersed! Father Enlil, whose words prevail (?), said: "Until the enemy has been expelled (?) from Urim, Icbi-Erra, the man from Mari, will tear out Urim's foundations. He will indeed measure out Sumer like grain." He has spoken just so.

25-28Even though you were installed as governors of the various ...... the others will defect to Icbi-Erra, in accordance with Enlil's word. Should you hand over your city to the enemy like your companions, Icbi-Erra will not recognise you as his faithful and agreeable servant. (1 ms. has instead: will Icbi-Erra) recognise you as his faithful and agreeable servant?

29-34May it now be brought about (?) that good words should be restored and treason extinguished. Let Icbi-Erra (?) participate in the harvest among the people there; but you yourself, do not turn back (1 ms. has instead: do not harvest), and do not come to me! His grasp should not get hold of the city! This man from Mari, with the understanding of a dog, should not exercise lordship!

35-38Now Enlil, my helper, has made the Martu rise from their mountain lands (1 ms. has instead: Now Enlil has ...... the Tidanum as ...... from their mountain lands). They will repel Elam and seize Icbi-Erra. To regain the Land will indeed make our might known in all the foreign lands. It is urgent! Do not be neglectful (1 ms. has instead: Do not all give up)!

Version B

unknown no. of lines missing

1-4...... sent ......:
1 line missing
...... come (?). ...... they stood .......

5-8How come you did not know ...... to make ...... return to the mountain lands? ...... of Jirikal, they had ......, they have not confronted him. How could you allow him (?) to ......?

9-13...... detests ....... After (?) he has elevated ...... to the shepherdship of the Land. ...... has given kingship to ...... asafoetida ......, who is .......

14-19After ...... has been dispersed,
3 lines missing
Enlil spoke thus: "...... will ......."

1 line fragmentary
He (?) will defect to Icbi-Erra ....... So long as ...... has indeed not been handed over to (?) the enemy, will Icbi-Erra himself (?) recognise ......?

24-35You ....... ...... he (?) destroyed (?) for you.
1 line fragmentary
...... he (?) overturns (?) there. ...... returning (?) ....... ...... in my having ....... I (?) had in mind ....... ...... was set there in prosperity. ...... is supreme over ......, after I (?) have made ...... there. I will seize him with my own hands .......
1 line fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

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Revision history : EFH : adapting translation
12.xi.2001 : JAB : proofreading
15.xi.2001 : GC : tagging
16.xi.2001 : ER :proofreading SGML
16.xi.2001 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0