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A balbale to Shara (Shara A): translation

1-33 29 lines missing
1 line fragmentary
...... great radiance ....... Cara, the song praising you befits you. Cara, your divine powers are most precious; father An, who has engendered you .......

34-45Your own mother, holy Inana, has let you sit with her on the holy ....... ...... she is the Mistress. She has let you ....... She has called you by a good name. ...... joyfully in your ....... ...... dwells ......; the lord shines forth in its midst.
1 line fragmentary
Cara, you ......, praying in the good and holy ....... ......, the princely son, grandiloquent ...... holy ......, coming forth like the sun from the shrine E-mah.

46A balbale to Cara.

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Revision history

28.vii.1999-02.viii.1999 : JAB : adapting translation
02.xii.1999 : GZ : proofreading
05.xii.1999 : GC : tagging
22.xii.1999 : ER : proofreading SGML
22.xii.1999 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed