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Three ox-drivers from Adab: bibliography

Print sources used

Alster, Bendt, "The Thre Ox-Drivers from Adab", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 6 (1991-93), 27-38: composite text, translation, commentary

Cavigneaux, Antoine, "Notes Sumérologiques", Acta Sumerologica 9 (1987), 45-66. Pp. 51-52

Falkenstein, Adam, "Das Potentialis- und Irrealissufix -e-she des Sumerischen", Indogermanische Forschungen 9 (1952), 113-130. Pp. 114-120: composite text, translation, commentary (ll. 1-30)

Foster, Benjamin R., "Humor and Cuneiform Literature", JANES 60 (1974), 69-85. Pp. 70-72: composite text, translation, commentary

Lambert, W.G., "A note on The Three Ox-Drivers from Adab", NABU 43-45 (1995), No. 2: commentary (ll. 12, 27, 82)

Electronic sources used

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Cuneiform sources

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