ETCSLtransliteration : c. ETCSL homepage

An adab (?) to Ninurta for Išme-Dagan (Išme-Dagan P)

unknown no. of lines missing
1. /AN\ [...]
2. IM [...]
3. AN X [...]
4. ur-saj /gal?\ [...]
5. lipic-/tuku\ [...]
6. me-lem4-ma-ni [...]
7. saj gal X /ZI\ [...]
8. iri a2-dam [...]
9. pirij gu3 di /MU\ [...]
10. dnin-urta-/ra\ [...]
11. u4-ta-u18-lu [...]
12.     sa-/gid2\-[da-am3]

13. en AN X X [...]
14.     jic-gi4-/jal2\ [sa-gid2-da-bi-im]

15. AN ZI KA [...]
16. KA-/KA?\ [...]
17. ub-cu-/unken\-[na] [...]
18. nam-den-lil2 [...]
19. a2 kur gal d/en\-[lil2-la2] [...]
20. lu2-ju10 a-/da?\-[...]
21. nun dic-me-dda-/gan\ [...]
22. lu2 dnin-urta X [...]
23. cita2 saj 50 /ki\ [...]
24. dic-me-dda-[gan] [...]
25. tun3? urud? AN-gin7 sag9 [...]
26. urudgu-za /mah?\ [...]
27. X X [...]
unknown no. of lines missing

Print sources

Ludwig 1990, p. 15-16: commentary

Electronic sources

Tinney 1998oo: composite text

Cuneiform sources

CBS 14076 obv.! (STVC 72) + Ni 9774 (ISET 1 152)

Revision history

02.iii.2000: GZ, editor: standardisation JAB, editor: proofreading GC, editor: SGML tagging ER, editor: proofreading SGML ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion
30.iii.2005: GC/JE, senior editor/technical developer: lemmatised version published

ETCSL homepage

© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The ETCSL project, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

University of Oxford