ETCSLtransliteration : c.3.1.10 ETCSL homepage

Letter from Šulgi to Puzur-Šulgi about waterways

1. mpuzur4-dšul-gi šagina bad3 igi-ḫur-saĝ-ĝa2 u3-na-a-dug4
2. d ?šul-gi lugal-zu na-ab-be2-a
3. {ki} {(1 ms. has instead:) ud} bad3 gal igi-ḫur-saĝ-ĝa2 mu-du3-a
4. X X X X nu-ed2-de3-ne
5. {gu2?-ĝiri3?-ta? id2idigna! id2buranun-na?} {(1 ms. has instead:) […]-a id2buranun-na-bi-ta []} a nu-na8-na8-ne?
6. […]-la nu2-de3
7. [] /luḫ?\-luḫ-e-de3
8. […]-ni sig10?-ge5-de3
1 line missing
10. […]ki ?-ke4? bi2-in-kur2-en
11. [] X mu-e-gi4-a
12. […]-še3? a mu-da-an-/aĝ2?\
13. [] bi2-e-du3 []
14. [] X-gi4?-eš
15. [] ḫe2-eb2-dab5
16. [] X ḫe2-en-du3
17. [] X X X NU? ma-gi4-gi4
18. [ en3 …]-ra-ab-tar-re-en
19. [] zi-mu-dar-ra-ke4
20. [] X ḫe2-mu-e-ši-ĝen
21. […]-X-en-na-a
22. [] X-ra-ab-dab5
23. […]-ra-ab-/gi4-gi4\
24. […]-e i3-zu-zu
25. […]-e-šub-be2-en
26. [] X-ba u3-bi2-dab5
27. […]-en-ze2-en
28. [a-ma]-ru-kam

Print sources

Huber 1998, p. 63 (l. 1), 70ff., 89, 91-92: commentary, composite text

Michalowski 1976, p. 186-188: composite text, commentary

Michalowski 1980-83, p. 53 (§3.3): commentary

Wilcke 1969b, p. 6: score transliteration, translation (Transliteration of source B)

Electronic sources

Krecher 1996b: composite text, translation

Cuneiform sources

A w/n; lines in composite: 1-28

Ni 3083 (ISET 2 115 = Orientalia 22 pl. 40) iv 10'-14'; lines in composite: 1-6(?)

Revision history

26.iv.2001-27.iv.2001: EFH, editor: standardisation
28.vii.2001: JAB, editor: proofreading
03.viii.2001: GZ, editor: SGML tagging
14.ix.2001: ER, editor: proofreading SGML
14.ix.2001: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion
30.iii.2005: GC/JE, senior editor/technical developer: lemmatised version published

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Updated 2006-12-19 by JE

University of Oxford